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No one's pov:

As weeks went by, Sun continued to hang out with Monty, but soon enough, he started to avoid sun. Sundrop didn't know why, he felt hurt towards his actions. He though to himself if he had done anything wrong to make Monty ignore him.

As this kept on happening, Sun just decided that Monty didn't wanted to hangout anymore. He was very upset at this, even Moondrop noticed his sudden change. He got worried at this, and really pissed at the fact that Monty had made his brother sad.

One night Moon stormed into Monty's room angry at him. "Hey! What the hell is you deal!?" Shouted Moon. "Eh? The hell you talkin' about mate??" Monty said as he turned around.

As soon as Moon had come inside, he saw a mess all around the room, walls where coverd in scratches, things where destroyed, the mirror looked like it had been punched.

Once he looked at Monty, he saw he'd been crying for a while. "Uh, still throwing tantrums?" Said moon still looking around. "Shut it" Mumbled Monty as he looked down.

"What do you want anyways?" Said Monty as he wiped a tear of his face. "Sundrop" as soon as Moon had said that, Monty looked up at him. "What in the world did you do to him, he's lost his smile" What? No I've seen him smile all the time" "No, that's just a fake smile sun has on his face. I wanna know what did you do to him! He's been sad all the time, except when he's around the kids."

"Nothing!" Argued Monty back. "Well then why the hell has he been so depressed?!" "I don't know, I've done bathing to him but ignore him-" suddenly it hit him. Because of the fact that he has been ignoring Sundrop, it has been making him depressed.

"Uh, what a great friend you are" Said moon with his arms crossed. "Why did you did it, why are you ignoring him??" "Because I love him" Mumbled Monty. "What?" "BECAUSE I LOVE HIM DAM IT!!"


I know I haven't updated this series in over 5 days and I'm sorry to give you guys this disappointing chapter. 😔 I have been working on my other series and I've got school so I really do t have that much time to write any chapters sorry!!

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