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[Words written in italic are flashback]


" I-it's not okay... you don't know ..... you d-don't know how it FEELS..."

She spoke as her eyes watered but the tears never rolled down because she was quick to wipe them without anyone noticing. Anyone but the one who was holding her.

Her words and actions were enough for Taehyung to feel a number of emotions. Anger, confusion but most of all was shock.

"Y/N, what do you mean ?" He asked anxiously

"N-Nothing" she whispered trying to pull away from him. He tightened his grip around her.

"Y/N.TELL.ME. " he said putting pressure on each word while trying hard not to raise his voice. But still she shook her head.


"I SAID NOOO!!!!!" She too shouted and pushed him away. She stood up and ran from the basement and locked herself in the room she found closest to her.

She curled herself smaller in the corner of the room and tried to calm herself down until she heard banging on the door. She covered her ear to block the voice.

"Y/N!!!..... BABY..... open the door....... are you alright?... Y/N?"


"Y/N~..... sweetling..... open the door ~~~. I know you are in there~~~. You know you can't hide from me."

A small girl covered her mouth with her hands to muffle her sniffles and sobs but failed miserably.

"Sweetling~~~ open the door..... or else you will face worse consequences... Y/N~~~"

Her sobs echoed in the dark room until she heard a loud sound.


The door broke... she curled herself more in an attempt to make herself smaller and covered her tear stained face. She just wanted to disappear right now.

"Tch..tch..tch... sweetling... I told you... you cannot hide from me"

Seconds later she felt hands all over her body.

"N-no... s-top t-t-touch-touching m-me... no..." she whimpered.

"Let me see... who will save you now." An evil smirk appeared on his face.

"S-stop" she said while trying to push him away.


"-aby?... baby?.....y/n... Y/N!!! Open your eyes angel... it's me... Taehyung. " He said trying to remove her hands from her ears. She finally opened her eyes with a gasp and came back to reality. She was having difficulty in breathing and was sweating profusely.

"T-tae?" She whispered and peak behind him to see the already broken door and again faced Taehyung.

A few tears escaped her already swollen and red eyes. She was shivering and looked so vulnerable. The sight was enough to cause an ache in Taehyung's heart.

He pulled her in his lap and secured his arms around her as if cocooning her from whatever was bothering and scaring her. Her head was on his chest. He whispered sweet nothings in her ears until he felt her breathing become normal and her crying subdued into occasional sniffles and hiccups.

"You okay baby?" He asked after a while to which she just slowly nodded her head .

"Tell me princess... what is it that is bothering you?hmm... Tell me?"

"....................Please Tae... not now... p-please?" She asked tiredly after a long pause and snuggled on his chest. Hugging him tight as if afraid that someone will snatch him away from her. 'She did not want the history to repeat itself.'

"Bu-" he tried reasoning but cut himself off when he saw the front of his shirt being fisted in her tiny fists and saw her trembling. Again.

"Okay baby..... okay... calm down... it's okay... I wont force you" he said and kissed her forehead and sighed in relief when he saw her calming down.

"What is it Y/N? What is it that I still don't know about you?"



What do you think it is about Y/N that Taehyung don't know???

I am back... so sorry for a short chapter and to keep you waiting but I will try to uploaded regularly from now on. 😌☺

Next update on 13/03/2022

Please share your opinions and leave comments. Your comments really encourage me to write further. 😍

Love you.......❤

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