Past Mistakes (TW)

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"There you are, I was worried you were going to be late." a voice on the other side of the room yelled.

Gabriel signed then turned his head to see Audrey walking with her assistant.

"Oh lord here we go" Gabriel thought. "Audrey, it's great to see you again" he says, feigning kindness and extending his hand.

Audrey smiled smugly, and held out her hand for Gabriel expectantly.

"Oh, of course" Gabriel mutters, lowering his hand to grasp Audrey's, bringing her knuckles to his lips gently.

At this time, Nathalie had parked the car and made her way through the lobby towards Gabriel and Audrey, catching the last moments of their greeting. Seeing Gabriels disdain for the situation, Nathalie makes a mental note to tease him about it later in private.

"Well, shall we?" Gabriel blurts out in an attempt to end the interaction, dropping Audrey's hand and bringing his own back to his pocket.

The three follow behind Audrey's assistant, eventually reaching the elevator.

All four manage to pack into the elevator together, Audrey making an obvious effort to be close to Gabriel even with the fairly large space inside.

Gabriel shifts, quite uncomfortable with Audrey's close proximity. He could smell her expensive perfume, a floral scent with hints of lavender and blossom. He found it nice, but he preferred the one Nathalie wore. Hers had the slight scent of spice, it was warm and reminded him of home.

His mind wanders in an attempt to free himself from the situation. "I wonder if there's enough time after this meeting to still have that dinner-" He was pulled out of his thoughts with the ding of the elevator. Signaling they've reached their destination.

Letting the ladies go first they all step out of the elevator and head for the meeting room.

The meeting was long and tiring, Audrey being the drama queen that she was, wanted a big costume dress for the premier of Gabriel's upcoming new line of dresses.

Saying their farewells, Nathalie and Gabriel made their way back to the parking lot and into their car.

Immediately after getting in the car Gabriel threw his head in his hands in frustration. Nathalie looked over at him in worry.

"You alright?" she asked

"I now have a whole line of dresses to design, get the right fabric for each one of the dresses and on top of that now I have to worry about designing a grand dress for Audrey. Which I'll most likely have to redo about a thousand times until she actually likes it. So no, I'm not alright" he exclaimed. 

"I don't even have time to eat dinner with my own son anymore!" he continued solemnly.

Nathalie was at a loss for words, she wanted to help but she had no idea how to design a dress, let alone choose the right fabric for it.

"How about that dinner?" Nathalie asks.

Gabriel, somewhat shocked at her offer, is silent. "We could get takeout, go home and invite Adrien. He would probably love to join." She smiles warmly at Gabriel, glancing at him through the rear-view mirror.

Not a second after Nathalie finished speaking, Gabriel already had a wide grin on his face. "That sounds lovely, thank you." He comments.

"So, where to, Mr. Agreste?" She says cheekily, intentionally sounding formal to tease him

Gabriel chuckles at the obvious attempt Nathalie makes to poke fun at him. "Alright Ms. Sancoeur. Take the next left, I'm pretty sure there's a decent takeout place around the corner."

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