chpater 13

829 11 1

day 13

i woke up late the next morning, Robert already out of bed. i grabbed a sweatshirt out of my suitcase and threw it on. i unplugged my phone and checked my notifications, there was one from Carrie. i opened the whole conversation, forgetting i texted her last night before i passed out.


hey i know we haven't talked in a while
and i know you're upset with me, but i
promise i told you as soon as i found out
i was leaving. i had no idea my parents were
planning this, i would've told you if i did. i miss you.
read yesterday

i'm so glad you texted me. i'm actually going insane without you. i'm not upset with you anymore, i didn't reach out because i thought you hated me for how i reacted. hell, i hate myself for how i reacted. i was just completely shocked, you're my best friend, and we haven't left each others side for the past 5 years. and now your halfway across the world, and idk how to deal with that. i miss you too, please come home.

it's  okay, i understand. it was shocking for me too. i wish i could come home, too. unfortunately I'm in the middle of goddamn nowhere sharing a room with Robert Irwin
on his wildlife reserve. help.

i turned off my phone, thankful that we were good again. i found my way out to the kitchen, everyone was up and Bindi and Robert were making, or attempting to make, pancakes.

"morning darling!" Bindi called from the stovetop.

i waved with one hand, rubbing my eyes with the other. i sat down at the table next to Terri and Chandler, Grace sitting in her high chair.

"today we're going on a hike!" Terri sat the magazine she was reading down.

"mmm! wear to?" i looked up at her, smiling.

"a lake farther into the property." she poured me a glass of orange juice while Bindi and Robert sat the pancakes down.

they were pretty much black on the outside, i looked at them skeptically. Bindi and Robert stood at the head of the table, eagerly waiting for us to taste. i looked up at Chandler, then back down to the thin, dry pancakes. i opened my mouth to say something, but decided against it. Terri sat next to me, looking concerned.

how could you mess up pancakes this bad?

Chandler cleared his throat, "looks great!" he spoke up.

Bindi let out a sigh of relief. i grabbed my fork and tried to pick up a pancake, but it wouldn't go through. they were hard as rocks. i looked to Bindi and Robert, devastated expressions on their faces, i smiled and continued to try and stab the pancake. after a few aggressive tries, Terri spoke up.

"you can use your fingers, Florence." she nodded, smiling.

"right." i set my fork down and placed a few on my plate, Chandler and Terri followed suit.

we all looked at each other, like we were saying 'we're really gonna eat this?'

"cheers." Chandler held up his pancake, me and Terri bumped ours into his.

i took a deep breath, all at the same time we took a bite. a horrible taste filled my mouth, it was hard to chew and it tasted burnt and bitter. there was silence for a long moment, Bindi and Robert held their breaths at the head of the table. the three of us stopped chewing, trying our best not to spit our food out.

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