chapter 18

771 14 14

week 6

it's almost been two months since i arrived here, and unexpectedly i was learning to love it. learning where i fit in, what i was best at and what not. training hadn't eased up. i spent most of my hours with Toby, Luke, or Robert trying to keep myself well-rounded.

Toby had me with the alligators or crocs nonstop. making sure i was comfortable feeding them, catching them, and reciting facts about them. so much so, i was considered a part of the croc team.

Luke taught me all he could about marsupials. we spent a lot of time in the wildlife hospital and in with the kolas. i even shadowed a few minor surgeries.

Robert was a bit more all over the place. he pretty much just took me wherever he wanted to go that day, which surprisingly worked out because i was getting experience with everything.

Emma and Robert still spent a lot of time together. i didn't mind when she tagged along sometimes, she was really nice. i did apologize for snapping at her a few weeks ago, and she said there was no need. i couldn't help but try and find something that was wrong with her, but i was completely unsuccessful.

she was funny, sweet, good with animals, even better with kids, and photography —a must for Robert. she charmed most of Roberts family, and the zoo staff, everyone loved her. except Bindi.

i'm not sure what Bindi saw in her that made her dislike her. maybe nothing at all, maybe Bindi thought she was too perfect.

"okay, but why?" me and Bindi walked arm and arm through the private gardens, Grace in her little stroller.

"i don't know. it's just something." Bindi lightly shook her head.

i had asked her about a thousand times in the past week, each time she gave me a vague answer. Robert had employed me to figure out why, but i hadn't been super successful.

"she seems pretty perfect to me." i shrugged, "her and Robert are inseparable."

"and that doesn't bother you? he never leaves her side." she blurted.

"Bindi Sue Irwin! are you jealous?" i laughed, tugging on her arm.

"i'm not, but aren't you?"

my eyes snapped to hers, "what?"

"it's and Robert have been spending a lot of time together recently, i thought maybe..." she looked to me, winking.

"ew, oh god! Bindi!" this time she laughed, "absolutely not." i frowned.

definitely could not report this back to Robert.

is that what people thought of me and Robert? i had not dared to look at any news regarding me or my family, i even limited my time on social media. i had no idea what people thought of this situation, and that suddenly terrified me.

me and Bindi finished our walk, Grace now sound asleep. i made it home a couple hours later after helping out at the wildlife hospital. my parents had left for a dinner meeting by the time i got home, the sun starting to set.

i changed out of my sweaty khakis, grabbing a pair of comfy pajamas and putting them on. next i went down to the kitchen to make dinner. i quickly heated up some chicken nuggets and fries, then sat down at my computer.

i knew it was a bad idea, but i couldn't help myself. i pulled up People Magazines website, then Buzzfeed, next Us Weekly, Entertainment Tonight, E News, Just Jared, the list went on. all the headlines were the same:

Are Robert Irwin and Florence Heart dating?

Florence Heart seems to have captured the 'heart' of Robert Irwin

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