chapter 22

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month 10

halloween had come and gone and thanksgiving was coming up, only a few days were left until then. Robert and Emma were in a rough patch ever since the formal, not officially broken up but not really talking. which left Robert in a bad mood most of the time, and especially clingy.

Carrie and Atticus were arriving the next day. to say i was excited was an understatement. some parts of home were coming back to me, even if just for a week.

"whatcha doin, Flo?" Robert called from my couch as i walked to the kitchen.

i didn't even know he was there. i stopped mid-step, wide eyed.

i stammered, "what are you doing here? how did you even get in?"

"your mum gave me a key." he sat up from his lounging position.

i stared at him blankly, "alright." i slowly turned on my heel, heading to the dining table.

i sat my computer down as Robert made his way to my fridge. he grabbed a cheese stick out of the drawer before heading over to the chair next to me.

i snorted as he ate the cheese in one bite.

"why do you look like that?" he said with his mouth full.

"like what?" i didn't look up from my computer.

"like you're in pain."

"i'm looking at colleges."

"ah, that explains it." he stood from his chair, standing behind me, placing an arm on the table on either side of me and leaning his head down next to mine.

my heart started racing as i felt his breath on my cheek and neck.

"you're looking at universities back in the states?" he glanced sidelong at me.

i moved my head to look at him, our noses almost touching.

"well...yeah." he frowned.

"oh." he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and propped his head on mine. "so, you're leaving me?"

i chuckled, "sorry, Irwin, i'll most likely be back. it'll only be a few years."

"i don't think i can last that long without you. i've grown attached to you, darlin." Robert leaned down and quickly kiss to my cheek.

butterflies erupted in my chest.

i sighed, jokingly, "they always do." i smirked.

"oh, i'm sure. all of your little boyfriends will be glad to have you back in the states."

i laughed, i'd only really had one actual boyfriend before, and it only lasted a month, but Rob didn't need to know that.


"CARRIE! ATTICUS!" i screeched, running through the airport as soon as i saw them.

they lugged many bags behind them and looked jet lagged as hell, but bright smiles lined their faces.

"OH MY GOD." Carrie broke out into a full on sprint once she saw me, dropping all her bags for Atticus to pick up.

we crashed into each other in the crowd of airport passers, laughing as we spun around in circles, hugging.

"yeah, yeah, don't mind me." Atticuses deep voice said from behind us.

i reluctantly pulled out of Carrie's grasp to meet Atticus's gaze.

"love." he addressed me, opening his arms.

i couldn't say anything as my throat became unbearably tight. me and Atticus went from seeing each other every day for years to not seeing each other for ten months. and then he was there, and i thought i was dreaming.

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