chapter 21

776 16 8

month 9

the holidays were in full swing, which means summer was too. it was strange experiencing halloween, thanksgiving, and christmas during the hot summer months.

halloween decorations covered our house, which was weird hanging them up in shorts and a crop top. a part of me was even sad knowing i wouldn't experience a white christmas like back in New York.

halloween was in less then a month at that point, which means school dances were also in season. Emma had asked Robert to go to a formal with her, and Robert was over the moon. he didn't stop talking  about it ever. like, ever.

although i couldn't blame him because i had been talking nonstop too, about the fact that Carrie and Atticus were coming to visit next month. since school was out for winter break they both decided that it was the best time to take the long trip. i still desperately missed home, especially because i had almost been away a whole year.

"does this tie match?"

i looked up lazily from my phone in Robs living room.

"uh, why are you wearing a white suit?"

"it was from Bindis wedding." he shrugged.

"you wore a whit suit to Bindis wedding?" i cringed.

"well, no. she would've chewed my ass off if i did. but i kept it."

i let out a breath of relief, "well, let's lose the maroon tie, and the white coat, and pants, and sandals- wait why the hell are you wearing sandals?" i shook my head.

"i didn't feel like changing them." he looked awkwardly down at his tie, giving him a double chin.

"alright. go back into that room of yours and change the whole thing." i smiled sweetly.

he rolled his eyes, heading back into his room. i continued to scroll through my phone, "just wear some black pants and a white button up!" i yelled from my spot on the couch.

"got it!" he yelled back.

a few minutes later he walked back out, this time wearing my suggested outfit and dress shoes.

"huh?" he turned around in a circle, asking my approval.

"very nice. very dapper." i grinned.

"why thank you, milady." he sketched a bow.

i frowned, "please never do that again."

"yeah, alright." he rolled his eyes once more before heading back to get changed into his khakis. "so, does Carrie act anything like you? because if she does i'm afraid i won't like her much." he yelled from his room.

i flipped off his cracked door from the living room, "i saw that!" he responded.

"no you didn't!" i yelled back, to which he chuckled, "anyways, she's a bit different, ass. she likes to party."

"ooh! i'm assuming you don't? scrooge."

"kay, it's too early to start handing out holiday insults, and no i do. i just don't prefer to get blackout drunk every weekend."

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