chapter 14

701 7 1

day 14


delivered yesterday

THE OTHER DAY TERRI JUST TOLD US. thank god we have separate beds tho

are your parents not there??

no they decided i needed some bonding
time with the irwin's! i'm literally going on this croc trip with them alone too

loving the disengagement jen and richard!! omg your birthday is in a few days pls tell me you'll be 'home' for that

same! yeah we're leaving tomorrow. i wish you were here pls come visit.

ugh i wish i could maybe fall break??

that's so far away🥲

ik but we just started school here so i can't take too much time off

i'm holding you to fall break then i gotta go ily!!

i set my phone down and finished up my lunch.

"Florence did amazing today with the emus!" i heard Bindi and Robert come in through the front door.

"really? huh." Robert responded, his voice slightly muffled from the short distance.

they stayed in the living room, out of sight, "yeah! i took her out there this morning to check on them, she's a natural." i could hear the smile in her voice.

the corner of my mouth lifted at the compliment.

"surprising." Robert snorted, my mouth fell.

"what do you mean?" i heard them sit down on the couch.

"she just, i don't know, isn't usually a natural." he sighed, "Chandler said that he once saw her get chased around the wombat enclosure for like ten minutes. it's not that hard to feed the wombats."

Chandler was watching me that whole time? and didn't help? he said he would've helped, but he didn't. he just stood there and watched.

"okay, Bunker is a nightmare to feed, plus she's new. and she did great with the crocs!" Bindi offered.

there was a pause, "Bindi she almost gotten eaten by one."

"yeah, because she was watching your back! when are you ever going to give her a break, Robert?" she let out a frustrated breath.

"when she stops trying to shove her way into our family. she's a nice girl and all, but she's not one of us." Robert said sternly.

a wave of rage rolled through me. i got up from the table -my chair making a loud scraping noise behind me- and walked into the living room. Bindi looked mortified as i walked in.

"you know, contrary to popular belief, i'm not trying to be. i'm just trying to survive in this hell hole and deal with all of your shit." i looked Robert in the eye, "i'm going for a run."

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