The Hamada Brothers

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You slowly opened your heavy eyes, everything thing around you blurry. After blinking and letting your vision become normal again, you noticed that you were laying down on a couch. A voice of a woman yelling could be heard, causing you to look around and see where the voice was coming from. Your eyes landed on the lady from the cafe screaming her head off at two boys.

One looked about 14 or 15 years old with raven black messy hair.  He wore a dark blue jacket over a red t-shirt, with khakis and converse. The taller boy looked about your age, wearing a hat on top of his short black hair. His outfit was paired with a dark green cardigan and mint converse which he made work. He actually looked very attractive, and very much your type.

Uhh, oh my gods what am I thinking? I don't even know him.

You groaned a little in pain when you tried to sit up on the couch. The lady from the cafe noticed you awake and ran over to your side. "Oh honey I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine thanks." You replied quietly.

She gave you a smile then turned to face the two boys looking at you."TADASHI! HIRO! COME APOLOGIZE RIGHT KNOW!" she yelled, making you wince. Tadashi, the older boy came over to you and sat down next to you.

"I'm so sorry about what happened, are you sure your okay?"


"I'm Tadashi. Tadashi hamada." He reached his hand out in front of you and you shook it.

"Hi, I'm (f/n)(l/n). It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

Tadashi pointed his finger to the younger boy next to him "This is my brother Hiro."

Hiro smiled nervously, giving you a small wave "Hi, sorry about earlier."

"It's fine Hiro." You smile reassuringly.

You sat quietly next to total strangers as you waited for someone to say something. Or anything. This was getting awkward. The lady from the cafe finally spoke up after a moment of silence.

"Well anyways, (y/n) is going to stay with us for a while, so you guys should get to know her."

"Thank you for letting me stay. It really means a lot." you smiled kindly thanking her for her generosity.

"No problem, tell me if you need anything okay?"

"Thank you."

Aunt Cass walked away and into the kitchen quietly, and you turned your attention to the two boys. Tadashi helped you up from your spot on the couch before leading you up to his room, Hiro following behind the two of you. You walked in and looked around, seeing that it looked like a normal room.

There were posters and pictures of robots on the walls, two desks and beds on separate sides of the room, divided by a divider. One poster caught your eye though. It was a blue poster with the words, 'SFIT sanfransokyo institute of technology' on it.

A college for technology sounded like something you would be interested in so you turned and asked Tadashi about it. "Hey Tadasdhi, do you go to SFIT?"

"Yeah why?" he asked, walking up beside you.

" What do you major in?" You asked still looking at the poster.

"Oh,I major in robotics and so does Hiro."

"Wait what?" You said clearly surprised and Tadashi couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah he graduated high school when he was 13."

"Wow thats amazing! So Hiro your like a little genius huh." You said looking at hiro who was on his computer and gave him a small smile.

"A genius indeed." Hiro smirked and you laughed.

"What I would give to be able to be smart in school. I have ADHD so I never really did good in school but I've always wanted to learn. The only thing I'm really good at is building stuff." You shrug nonchalantly.

You couldn't really just say that you've never been to an actual all human school because you were too busy fighting off monsters and saving the world from evil Goddesses.

"Hey I'm sure you have other talents too! And if you're good at building stuff why not try for the robotics and engineering program?" Tadashi offered and you smiled.

"You know what, I will. So how do I get in?"

"You will? Awesome! There's a showcase every year where potential students present their ideas to the head of the school. If you can come up with something amazing and impress the judges, you get in. Hiro and I will be glad to help you out with anything you need." Tadashi said with a big smile.

You smiled at his reaction, it was cute. "Thanks so much Tadashi, I will gladly take your offer on the help."

The three of you talked for hours, trying to get to know each other until you noticed that it was already passed midnight. After agreeing to meet some of Hiro and Tadashi's friends in the morning, you made your way to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

When you finished,  you saw Tadashi waiting for his turn to use the bathroom. "You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch." Tadashi offered with a heart melting smile.

"Thank you. You and your family have really been so kind to me and I appreciate that so much. I feel like you've helped me so much already, I don't know how to repay you."

"It's totally fine. I'm just glad that we were able to help."

You smiled and walked into the Hamada brother's room. But before you closed the door, you turned back to face Tadashi with a smile. "Goodnight Tadashi."

"Goodnight (y/n)." With that you closed the door and climbed into Tadashi's comfy bed. Hiro smiled at you, saying his goodnight before turning off his side of the rooms light and getting under his covers. You followed suit, getting under the covers and closing your eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Two Different Heroes (Tadashi × Reader) (Completed!/editing)Where stories live. Discover now