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"Jennie needed to stay away from Lisa, she was too good for her! I knew it, everyone did!" –Mrs. Ringer



Lisa pulls up to an old-style diner that sits just inside the small town. It has pink and green lights around the lip of the roof, and a lit up shake sign in the window. It's as if the 80's threw it up and nobody has updated it since.

Pop's Dime-In reads on the sign on the front.

"What's with the name?" I lift my chin at the diner.

Lisa turns off the truck, and we both get out. The air is warm as a breeze whispers summer's arrival around my ankles.

"The old man that owns this place had his foot blown off in the military, he came back here and started running this place because it reminded him of when he was a kid. He said when he was a child he could get a Coke for ten cents, so now he serves up Coke-floats for only ten cents."

I smile, that's the kind of story that is a tragedy but heartfelt. I like it.

"Ten cent floats, that's awesome." I silently laugh. They don't have anything like this in New York, just people throwing stores together hoping to get lucky.

"Yeah, this is where everyone comes after games, school, parties," Lisa tells me. "They have awesome food, but everyone comes here for ten cent Coke-floats."

I cross my arms and look at the small building again. You can't beat floats and burgers, but I'm not hungry. Besides, dairy makes me gassy, the last thing I want is that to happen around Lisa.

"Huh." Is all I can muster in response to the story Lisa tells me. She stops at the front of her truck, her blue eyes drawing to mine.

"Huh?" She implores. "Is this not what you had in mind?" She cocks her head to the side.

Looking down, I kick at some random rocks and laugh. "No, burgers and shakes sound great."

Rounding the truck, she fists my hips and my head snaps up from the contact. Our eyes meet, and my body comes alive recognizing the familiar touch from Lisa. The only girl I've ever let touch me like this. Having her this close, I notice she's at least a foot taller than me.

"You're a fucking liar." My mouth parts at her harsh tone. "Burgers too cheap for the spoiled rich hippie?" She tilts her head to the side and pushes me up against her truck leaning into me. The sexual aggression palpable at this point.

"I'm not spoiled, I'm just not one to follow the town's golden girl to someplace she takes every girl to and smile like a lovestruck bimbo!" I cross my arms, suddenly feeling distant. When I was with Lisa that night, she made me feel special, taking me to a place she takes all girls... I don't feel anything but disappointment. I bet money she took Rosé here too.

"Oh I see, this is a jealousy thing." She chuckles and I suddenly see red.

"No!" I lie, and she presses her head against mine, staring at me as if she's waiting for me to admit I'm a liar. I roll my eyes, and try and look elsewhere.

"I just, I want to do something different than go to a place you always go to. I want... different. I'm different." I shrug, not really able to explain myself to her. It's difficult. I'm just not the type to wine and dine, I want something more... adventurous.

She smirks. "And that's why I like you." The angry rush racing through me floods into something like a river of passion. The butterflies that make me feel fuzzy and like I wanna puke at the same time returning. It's crazy how hot and cold I am with her. Her hand grips my chin, her fingers caressing the skin.

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