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"I just want to work and go home. I didn't care to ask them where they were going." —Market Store Clerk.



Glancing over, Lisa winces as she wrestles the steering wheel driving us out of town. She looks so good with the moonlight casting across her jaw and fierce eyes. I bite my lip watching her. I knew she was trouble the night she approached me. It was like a devil with a letterman jacket and an irresistible smile, but the pull between us was so fierce I must have been the other half of her smiling back.

Blood drips from her arm, staining her jeans. The sight of it bringing me back to reality. Her dad hurt her tonight.

"We really need to get that cleaned up," I frown. It looks worse than before.

Side eyeing me, she rolls up her sleeve, the flesh wound angry and swollen, but the bleeding has slowed down some.

"Well, we can't really go into a hospital right now. Can we?" she smarts.

"You can't just bleed out everywhere either! What happened?" I snap back.

"I told you, my dad cut me with a beer bottle," she reminds me with an angry tone. Her dad is an asshole. Lisa is in pain and won't last much longer if we don't do something about it.

"I hope you punched him in the teeth," I whisper, taking my eyes away from the gruesome limb.

Yellow lights just ahead catch my eyes and I point to the Dollar Store that sits just outside of town. "Pull in there!" I yell.

Lisa jerks the wheel last minute and drives into the parking lot.

"Damn, easy Hulk." She pokes fun before parking and turning the engine off. Her hands now free, she presses her palm on her wound. She's sweating, her forehead wrinkled with pain. I hate seeing her like this. I got to help her.

"Fuck it stings," she whispers to herself. Hunching over in pain.

Setting Kuma down on the seat in between us, I grab my wallet from my bag and scoot to the passenger door.

"I'll be back."

She grabs me by the elbow stopping me from getting out, worry dancing in her steel blue eyes.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"We need supplies if we're hitting the road and we better get them now before my parents notice I'm gone and turn my credit card off." Hopefully this place will have something for her arm.

She nods, glancing back to the store. But you can tell she's still unsure of us stopping during our run out of town. It's better we do it now because in the morning our parents will definitely be looking for us.

Hopping out, I head inside. An older lady with more wrinkles than an aged dinosaur sits behind the register reading a magazine, giving me a once over before returning back to her Royal Wedding recap. It's cold in here, the air conditioner on full blast even at this time of night.

I head to the medical supplies aisle and grab a medical kit and some pain reliever. Looking through the shelves of goods, it seems to be the only thing that will help. Unless I want to get Lisa some My Little Pony Band-Aids. I grin just thinking about her reaction if I tossed those in her lap.

I get Kuma some dry food, a few bottles of water, a leash, and an on-the-go dog bowl. Making sure to hit the snacks Isle I throw chips, cookies, and soda in too. Heading to the check out, the lady sits her magazine down, and starts checking my items.

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