Aomine x Reader

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Caught My Heart

Hey guys this was requested by @ShinigamiKoemi whom is an amazing writer. I love her works and I feel honored to get to write her a oneshot. She also specially requested that the reader has big boobs so that's a thing in this. I hope you all enjoy this oneshot ^_^

~Fab Chi

In elementary school, you were the toughest girl in all the school. You could beat up most of the boys, thanks to your best friend. His name was Aomine, and he taught you in both basketball and fighting too. 

Living in his neighborhood, you were close friends with him and Momoi for a long time. Momoi always served as the voice of reason in your friendship. You and Aomine always pulled pranks together, including the one where you put a frog in her sleeping bag on sleepover, causing her to be afraid of frogs. Those were the best times in your childhood. Only, they were ended when your parents divorced, and you had to move to America with your mom.

Now you were back in Japan for your first year in high school. Of course you were a lot different now, more girly though you were still your tough self. 

Now you were going into your new school here, Touou. 

Within a few minutes, you were spotted by Momoi and dragged into a huge hug. "Oh my god, (Y/N)chan, you're back!!" She shouted as she embraced you. 

You laugh, "hey, Satsu-chan." 

"When did you get back? Does Dai-chan know you're here? Wow, your boobs have gotten so big." Momoi says all at once.

"Yeah, they rival yours, Satsu-chan." You joke with her. "But I've been back for maybe two weeks, so I haven't been able to contact Daiki."

Momoi smiles and the two of you begin catching up since you moved away. It took all of five minutes to find out that you were in the same class as Momoi.

~Time Skip~

When the lunch bell rings, Momoi grabs your hand, dragging you to the roof. 

On the way, you run into a cute guy with brown hair that Momoi calls Ryo-kun. To be honest, you could easily have gotten a crush on him if it weren't for your heart already belonging to another since elementary school.

As soon as you get on the roof, you see that familiar navy blue hair.You put your finger to your lips, telling Momoi and Sakurai to be quiet. Silently you sneak up next to the sleeping male. 

"So I hear becoming a Miracle has made you lazy, Daiki." You comment to him suddenly and you see his eyes snap open.

"(Y/N)?" He asks sleepily as he looks at you. You see him blink a couple times. 

"Hey, I'm back," You tell him and his eyes widen, processing that you are really there and it wasn't a dream.

"Wow, it's really you. You've changed a lot." He yawns as he takes in the changes. Your hair was longer now, not like the pixie cut you kept in elementary school. That and of course the major growth of your chest which really did rival the size of Momoi's.

"So have you. Satsu-chan tells me that you don't play basketball with enthusiasm anymore." You say back, and Momoi catches you in another hug.

"Ne, Dai-chan, (Y/N)chan is in my class, aren't you jealous?" She says to him.

"I'm jealous of the guys in your class, seriously that much boob shouldn't be kept for one class." Aomine comments, pointing to both of your chests. You could have sworn that you saw a light blush on his cheeks but you figured it was a trick of the light.

So you ate lunch with your old best friends, catching up and getting to know the new addition to their friendship circle, Sakurai.

When lunch was almost over, Momoi helps up so that the two of you can go back to class.

"Nice view you got there, (Y/N)," Aomine comments and you look down to see him looking up your skirt. You redden, blushing like crazy, and move to take a step to move away.

Aomine grabs your hand to stop you from leaving, and he sits up. "(Y/N) wait." 

You stop and he gestures for you to come closer. You get down on your knees so that he can whisper into your ear, like he always did when he had a prank plan.Instead of some kind of plan, he whispers, "I've missed you, (Y/N). I've been in love with you since you left."

You back away and motion for him to lean in as if you were going to tell him a secret. "Me too, Daiki. I've held my heart captive since day one."

And I'm done. I actually wrote this in the car as we were going to get my sister from college. Anyway, thanks reading and don't for get to vote for the birthday oneshot and comment questions for the Q&A

~Fab Chi

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