Human Nigou x Reader

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So I meationed this in my Male Momoi x Reader but this is just something I'm doing for fun. I've read a few of these oneshots and felt like writing my own after looking fanart. So yeah that's the deal and this will most likely be strange. My explanation for the logic of Nigou turning human is based on a yaoi manga called Lovers' Doll, so if you like yaoi, i recommend reading it. Anyway hope you enjoy it.

~Fab Chi

As manager of Seirin's basketball team, you were close with all the guys on the team. Especially Kuroko since you always watched after Nigou for him while he practice.

Nigou was always sweet, one of the best dogs you had met. Somehow he held a special place in your heart even though you were a cat lover.

One day you were outside that gym and you heard a commotion from within.

"Is everything okay in here?" You ask peeking your head in. Suddenly you were tackled by someone and both of you fall to the ground.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" You hear a voice ask and it sounds familiar. You look up and see that it was the person on top of you who spoke.

He was pulled off of you before you could look at him clearly and Riko helps you up. The mysterious boy had been pulled off you by Kuroko.

"Gomen, (Y/N) I'm sorry he attacked you," Kuroko apologizes and bows the boy's head.

"It's okay, Kuroko, I'm fine. Who is this?"You says dusting yourself off.

"Do you seriously not recognize me (Y/N)?" The boy says looking up and you can see his face clearly. His hair was a pitch black and he had light blue eyes just like Kuroko's.

"N-nigou?" You exclaim in surprise and his face perks up.

"Yep." He says and he hugs you again. All the boys in the basketball club whom were watching the interaction just facepalmed.

"Um, (Y/N)san, if I can ask a favor of you, could you please watch Nigou during practice?" Kuroko requested of you and you nod.

"Sure thing, hey Nigou, how about we go to the cafe near here and you can explain this to me?" You reply and turn to Nigou whom was hanging on your shoulders.

"Yeah," He says excitedly and starts to pull you to the cafe.

~At the Cafe~

 Once the two of you sit in the cafe, you look at Nigou for some explanation. "So um Nigou, can you explain this for me?"

Nigou nods and he scoots his chair closer to you. "Sure anything for (Y/N). I'm cursed, I become human when my master or someone close to master loves me."

You think about it briefly, "Your master being Kuroko right?"

"Yeah he is, but he isn't the one who made me human. He loves me as a dog owner does a dog, but the love that makes me human is more than that, a romantic love." Nigou explains.

"So it wasn't Kuroko who made you human, then who?" You asked, wanting to know who else was in love with Nigou. It wasn't until you saw Nigou as a human did you truly realize your feelings for him but now you were fully aware.

Nigou laughs, "It was you, (Y/N), you made me human with your love. I'm glad that it was you because I really really like (Y/N) as well."

Your face turns red at the sudden confession. "You like me?" Nigou nods earnestly and you smile. "You won't turn back into a dog in the middle of our relationship will you?"

"Not as long as you remain in love with me, As long as (Y/N) is in love with me, I'll be human for you." Nigou clarifies, and then gives you a sweet hug.

And that's it, I don't have anymore for this oneshot. Sorry It's kinda short but I hope y'all liked it. I'm so happy right now with all the stats that I've been getting, last night I posted two oneshots and in all my views increased by 1K and I got around 50 votes. I makes me feel warm inside for all the support so thanks and don't be afraid to request a chapter if there is a character I haven't done that you want or if you want another chapter of a character I have done. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for going on and on here at the end.

~Fab Chi

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