Kagami x Reader

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I'll Take A Treat

This was requested by @chocolate_598, thanks for the request. I planned one making this my Halloween oneshot and posting this yesterday but after I finished my Kuroko x Reader last night, I was exhausted but 3 oneshots in one day was still pretty good. So without any farther delays I give you my Halloween oneshot, hope you enjoy it.

~Fab Chi

You were decorating your house for your Halloween date with your boyfriend, Kagami Taiga. The entryway was covered with Halloween decorations, fake cobwebs and spiders. Kagami was a scaredycat when it came to really scary things and you planned to scare him with your awesome costume.

Kagami walked your house in a fireman costume since you wanted him to dress up even though the two of you were just gonna hang out. When he got there, he knocked on the door and it creaks open.

"(Y/N), where are you?" Kagami calls and glances into your house. It gave him an eerie feeling but he stepped inside. "(Y-Y/N)," he calls out your name again, stuttering a little.

No answer came to Kagami so he entered your home, calling your name. When he entered the livng room, a fog blow throughout the room and it was decorated like a swamp. "(Y-Y-Y/N), are you here?" He stuttered.

He heard a wail and you come out dressed in long grey rags with a long white haired wig. In your hand you held a silver comb. Kagami ran out the room, a scared look on his face.You laugh and  turn on the lights and turn off the sound system.

You run over to Kagami, giving a him a big hug. "So Kagami, what do you think of my banshee costume?"

"Geez, (Y/N), you didn't have to scare me like that you know." Kagami says, having clamed his heart by now.

"But it was so fun, you should have seen your face." You say and show him a picture on your cell phone of him looking really scared.

"Wha~? Delete it, delete it now, (Y/N)." Kagami shouts and tries to snatch your phone from you.

"Ok, ok, I'll delete it," you say and delete it. Before you delete it, you send the photo to Kagami's team because the picture was just too good.

"Good," Kagami says and hugs you.

"I'm sorry for scaring you Kagami, I love you." You say into his broad chest.

Extra: Replies to Your Text


To: (Y/N)

Suject; Re: Happy Halloween

OMG XDDDDD that's hilarious (Y/N) thanks for sending this to me.


To: (Y/N)

Suject; Re: Happy Halloween

that's funny, i'll gonna use this whenever Kagami is annoying


To: (Y/N)

Suject; Re: Happy Halloween

that's mean (Y/N)san


To: (Y/N)

Suject; Re: Happy Halloween

That's almost as great as one of my puns, Demons are a ghoul's best friend XD


To: (Y/N)

Suject; Re: Happy Halloween



To: (Y/N)

Suject; Re: Happy Halloween

XDDDDDDDDDD his face is amazing

Okay guys what did chu think? I apologizes for not posting this yesterday. Also sorry for any OOC and also check out my Free! x Readers. http://www.wattpad.com/78192757-free-oneshots-request-page

~Fab Chi

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