Kise x Reader

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At The Karaoke Bar

Okay this was requested by @AnimeFangirl59. I already had this written so it may suck, I wrote it at school. Anyway I hope you guys like it but tell me if there's any OOC.

~Fab Chi

You and your best friend had just finished studying for a big test, you helping her. It was still early evening and you told your parents that you would be home late.

"(B/F)chan, what do you wanna do now?" You ask, laying on her bed.

"Get up, (Y/N)chan. I know something we can do." (B/F) says with a smirk. She pulls on your arm and drags you off the bed and out of the room.

"Where are we going?" You ask as you follow along, arm held by (B/F). She didn't answer, just pulling you along.

You arrive at a karaoke bar near (B/F)'s house. You became very excited because you love music, especially karaoke.

"This is a great idea, (B/F)chan. I love karaoke!" You squeal happily.

"Senpai, come ooonnn~!" Kise whines, pulling Kasamatsu towards the karaoke bar.

"Kise-kun," (B/F) called out to your crush and you blush. Just to get back at her, you call out to her crush.

"Kasamatsu-senpai, what are you guys doing here?" You say and pull (B/F) over to the two guys. Both you and (B/F) are blushing as the two of you approach your crushes.

You swear that you see Kise pout a little and you wonder what's wrong. "A-ano, Kise-kun, is something the matter?"

"Wha-? Nothing is wrong, (Y/N)cchi." Kise denied quickly, though you are sure that you saw him pouting.

"So Kise-kun, Kasamatsu-senpai, what are you guys doing here?" You ask again, including Kise in the question this time.

"We finished basketball practice and this idiot dragged me here. And you guys?" Kasamatsu answers and glances over to (B/F) who is trying to avoid eye contact with him. 'Its so obvious that those two like each other,' You think after observing the looks between the two.

"I was helping (B/F)chan study for the big test tomorrow and we finished early so we came here, I love karaoke." You explain as (B/F) remains silently nodding and starring at the ground.

"Maybe you should help this idiot study too, (Y/N)san. He is lucky to get by with enough to remain on the team." Kasamatsu says, punching Kise on the arm, not at all lightly.

"Wahh~, so mean senpai." Kise whines as he runs his arm. Both you and (B/F) giggle at Kise's reaction. "What? (Y/N)cchi and (B/F)cchi are going to be mean too."

"I'm sorry Kise-kun, it's just kinda funny how someone as perfect as you is really a bad student." You say, laughing and then cover your mouth. 'God, I can't believe I just called him perfect out loud,' you thought.

"Oh, (Y/N)san is a fan of Kise's, well you know he can sing well too? You two should sing a duet together," Kasamatsu teased, and dragged (B/F) inside.

You and Kise follow them but once you get inside, you lose track of (B/F) and Kasamatsu.

"(Y/N)cchi, let's sing a song together," Kise says excitedly. You had just given up on trying to find your best friend and her crush.

"Sure~!!" You say brightly and request the next song.

When it was finally your guys' turn, the song turned out to be Not Gonna Die by Skillet.

Death surrounds

My heartbeat's slowing down

I won't take this world's abuse

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