Kuroko x Reader

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Sometimes Vanilla Tastes Better

My friend requested this one which I was already typing. I want to thank her and @AnimeFangirl59 for the requests. Kuroko may be a little OOC, and I still need someone to beta for me.

~Fab Chi

You dry your (h/l) (h/c) hair and gather your bags. Swim practice had just ended and it had been a hard one. A/N: (h/l) is hair length and (h/c) is hair color.

You had a ritual to go to Maji Burger after swim practice to get a chocolate milkshake. Though you had always heard great things about their vanilla shakes, you were more fond of chocolate.

'I wonder where Kuroko-kun is,' you think seeing as he wasn't at Maji Burger yet. You get your shake and sit at one if the last empty tables. Even though Kuroko was a easy to miss guy, you always notice him. With his cute little blue eyes that match his dog's and amazing smile that you just wish was directed at you. But honestly wasn't it natural to notice someone that you are in love with.

As you were deep in thought, someone sits down across from you. Looking up, you see the guy who had just been occupying your mind.

"K-kuroko-kun..." you exclaim after noticing that he was sitting at your table and your face starts to heat up.

"(Y/N)san, you don't mind if I sit here do you? There are no empty tables," Kuroko explains with his usual poker face. You shake your head, signaling that it was fine and you took a sip of your chocolate shake.

"So Kuroko-kun, did basketball practice run late today?" You ask, not even think about how it sounded creepy.

"Hai, Kagami-kun made us have to stay after because he was messing around with Nigou," Kuroko says and the dog, as if summoned, popped his head out of Kuroko's school bag.

"Aww, Kuroko-kun, he is so kawaii," you gush over the husky quietly. You smile and pat him on the head.

"(Y/N)san is more kawaii," Kuroko mumbles.

"Huh?" You say, pretending you didn't hear him but your face heats up. You take a big drink of your drink and get a brain freeze.

"GAH!!! BRAIN FREEZE!" You exclaim, holding your head.

Kuroko leans forward and kisses you on the lips softly. You note that he tasted like his vanilla shakes as he pulls away. Your face heats up, turning a nice shade of scarlet.

"W-why?" You ask completely embarrassed that he kissed you in public.

"To get rid of your brain freeze, it worked didn't it?" Kuroko said with a calm face but you freaking out. Your crush just up and kissed you.

"B-but, there are like a hundred different ways to get rid of a brain freeze." You stutter and Kuroko sighs.

"Then I couldn't kiss you, (Y/N)san," he says and smiles. You feel like your just stopped the moment he directed his smile at you.

'I guess sometimes vanilla can taste better than chocolate,' you think, smiles at Kuroko's confession.

Extra: Next Day

"Hey Kuroko, I was wondering what you were doing with (Y/N)san yesterday?" Kagami asked Kuroko the next day.

"Seating with her, why do you ask, Kagami-kun?" Kuroko say, seeming very happy today.

"Well, I was walking by and I saw you kiss her. Did you finally confess to her?" Kagami asks, not really bothered by the kiss after spending so many years in America.

"I was helping her get rid of a brain freeze," Kuroko said, though he nodded as of to say that the kiss was his confession.

Kagami laughs at Kuroko, "Kuroko, what's with the tsun act right now?"

Done, this was my second one shot that I wrote so sorry if Kuroko is OOC. Vote if chu liked it though. I'm working on a Kasamatsu x Reader that I will post soon. :3

~Fab Chi

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