Murasakibara x Reader

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Summer Festival Games

Hey guys this was requested by @ShinigamiKoemi whom I'm happy to be writing another oneshot for. I wanna say that again, I'm so sorry this request took me so long, and for how inactive I was this summer and this school year. I meant to get this request done so much soon than this and I'm sorry about that. Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy this oneshot that I have written for you.

~Fab Chi

Summer break was almost and a new semester is a bout to start at Yosen High. Of course before you all have to return to school, there is the summer festival.

Fun games, delicious food and beautiful fireworks. Everyone loves going to the summer festival, especially you.

You had someone special in mind that you wanted to go with. Murasakibara Atashi, the purple-haired titan that plays for the basketball team. Of course you know all about him seeing as how you are the team manager.

The day before the summer festival you finally worked up the courage to ask Murasakibara out before practice started that day.  

"Saki-kun (Your nickname for Murasakibara), can I ask you something?" You say, pulling Murasakibara away as he was going to enter the gym.

"Huh? (Y/N)chin? If you are looking for Muro-chin? (that's Murasakibara's nickname for Himuro XD) I think he's already in the gym." Murasakibara says in a lazy tone and begins to walk away. You were still holding his arm from when you grabbed him and you stop him from leaving.

"Why would I want Himu-kun? (Your nickname for Himuro)" You ask him, confused.

"You like him, right? Wren't you going to ask him to the summer festival?" Murasakibara says, looking straight at you. He gets a slight pout and looks away, mumbling. "It's obvious you like him, (Y/N). You are always looking at him."

You remained confused as he says you like Himuro. You were more startled by the lack of the nickname than by his actual words. Then you mentally face-palmed.

"Umm... I-I didn't know you noticed me, Saki-kun, you stutter nervously. Murasakibara seemed to deflate at your words but you weren't done. "You're wrong about one thing though, I wasn't looking at Himu-kun."

'The two of you just happen to always be together when I look at you,' you think.

"I was looking at you, Saki-kun. I like you and I wanted to know if you would like to go to the summer festival with tomorrow?" You confess to him, cheeks heating up a little. 

He looks at you with vague hints of surprise in his expression. "That's what you wanted to ask me?" You nod in reply, silently praying he says yes. "Sure, that sounds like it could be fun."

You smile brightly and stand on your tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Yay, thanks Saki-kun, I can't wait." So I really didn't realize how freaking tall Murasakibara is until checking out his wikia today, he is freaking 6'10"

You run off to continue your manager duties, leaving Murasakibara standing there with a small smile on his usual expressionless time.

~Time Skip~

You were in the middle of fixing your hair when the doorbell rang. You quickly finished it and looked over your outfit in the mirror. A white kimono hung nicely on your figure, highlighting your curves with the soft pink butterfly accents. Your (H/C) hair was done up in a simple hairstyle. You can decide the hairstyle.

Once you approve your own appearance, you quickly hurry down the stairs. You speed up when you hear you older sister talking with Murasakibara. If you don't have an older sister, you do now and (S/N) means sister's name.

"So you're (Y/N)'s boyfriend?" (S/N) asks him and you stop outside the door to the living room where they are. You wanted to hear his reply since this was your first date and the two of you hadn't really discussed labels like boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Yes, I am." Murasakibara replies in his usual voice but it almost seems as if there is some affection in the way he said it as well.

You walk into the room with a slight blush and grab Murasakibara's hand. "Well, we should go now, bye (S/N)." You say and proceed to rush the two of you out the door.

As you and Murasakibara walk to the festival, you just had to ask him. "Did you mean that, Saki-kun? About you being my boyfriend?"

Murasakibara looks at you somewhat blankly before replying, "Of course." He wore a smile that really suited him as he said those words, one that tore through the expressionless mask he wore.

Once you arrive at the festival, you can't help but chuckle at how Murasakibara is immediately drawn to the festival food. 

The two of you end up trying just a bit of everything and you loved the takoyaki. Takoyaki is ball shaped Japanese pancakes with a chunk of octopus in the center. I only really included this bc it sounds so good to me.

Once you had your fill, you drag Murasakibara over to look at some of the other stalls. There were people there selling cute trinkets and then there were the game booths.

One game stall had some Titan plushies from Attack on Titan as prizes and you definitely wanted one. The game was a shooting gallery which makes you sigh. You really weren't that good at them but you really wanted one of the prizes. I'm actually am a pretty good sharpshooter myself.

When you go to pay the man running the game, Murasakibara hands him the money instead. "I'd like to play." Murasakibara says, having noticed your interest in the prizes and wants to win one for you.

"Sure thing." The man says taking Murasakibara's money and sets up the game. 

Murasakibara played the game and won with the flying colors. You had no idea he was so good at shooting galleries. You smile as Murasakibara is handed the Eren Titan plushy and he hands it to you.

"Thank you, Saki-kun," you say with a big smile as you hug the plushy closely to your chest.

Murasakibara gives another faint smile and kisses you on the cheek. "Anything to see you smile like that."

You giggle, blushing slightly. "Now I have a titan to keep me company when my titan boyfriend can't." You say as you continue to hug it. It was a little tease to see how Murasakibara would react and it worked.

He wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind. "(Y/N)chin, you are mine and mone alone. I'll crush anyone who takes you away from me, even that plushy." Murasakibara says in a soft tone.

"Hai hai (yes yes) I am yours Saki-kun," you reply happily, leaning into the hug.

Yay!!!!! I finished this. I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long guys and I have a lot more updates for my Free! and UtaPri books to do this week. It's my exam week therefore I can write a bunch guys. I'm going to be doing some Christmas specials in all my books for you guys. Also the idea for this one came from Murasakibara's wikia that said he was good at shooting galleries and goldfish scooping games. I hope you all enjoyed this one and thanks for reading...

~Fab Chi

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