Kasamatsu x Reader

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Hey guys, this was requested by @Angel_FloweryBlossom, thanks for requesting. It took me a while to think of an idea for this one so I hope you like what I came up with. Also thanks for all the support, I've been getting in this book and my Free! One. I love y'all 😘

~Fab Chi

If there was one thing that pissed you off more than anything, it would be Kise's fangirls. They basically stalk a guy they don't even know and claim they are in love with him. But honestly, you were the same as them. You have fallen in love with Kasamatsu, though you have hardly spoken to him.

You were close friends with Kise, having lived next to him for years. Honestly, you got a lot of shit from his fangirls because of it. That's also another thing that pissed you off about them, can't a guy and girl just be friends?

Since you had known Kise for years, you knew how much of an idiot he really was. As much as you wanted to hit him because of his idiocy, you didn't since you were a gentle person. That was something that you loved about Kasamatsu, he wasn't afraid to be aggressive.

The bell rings and you begin to gather your stuff. "(Y/N)CCHI~!!!!!! Will you come watch my practice today?" Kise shouts and makes a pleading face. You really had a soft heart, so even with how annoying Kise really was, you couldn't say no.

"S-sure," You say hesitantly and you feel glares pierce your back. You knew that it was his fangirls without even looking. At least you get to see Kasamatsu, right?

You leave with Kise and head for your shoe locker. Kise goes to grab his own shoes as you get yours. You slip them on, only to feel a sharp poke in your foot and you cry out. "Ow!!"

"(Y/N)cchi / (Y/N)san," You hear at the same time and see that both Kise and now Kasamatsu had come at your cry. They looked at you with concern and you slip your shoe off again. There was a red patch in the bottom of your shoe and you began to feel lightheaded. Let's just say, you weren't the best person when it comes to blood.

You hear them both cry out again and you faint.





A hour later, you wake up to see a pair of steel blue ones staring back at you. You jump, causing your forehead to bash into the owner of the eyes's forehead. "Ow ow ow!!" You say and look up to see that the person was Kasamatsu.

 "Geez, (Y/N)san, that hurt," Kasamatsu says, holding a red spot on his forehead.

"Oh my god, Kasamatsu-senpai, I-I'm so sorry," You say apologetically, somewhat afraid of his reaction. What if he hates you for being a complete idiot? It made you heart hurt to even think about it.

"It's okay, (Y/N)san, I guess you've had a rough enough day." He replies, leaving you thoroughly confused. Somewhere along the way, you realize it's just the two of you in the nurse's office.

"Where is Kise-kun?" You unconsciously ask, used to the frivolous blonde hanging around when you were with his captain.

Kasamatsu's face seems to fall at that moment and he looks at the floor. "He and the rest of the team are practicing right now."

You looked at him slightly confused, "Did you miss practice to stay with me, Kasamatsu-senpai? Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I've wasted your time and made you miss practice." You say, bowing your head for forgiveness.

"It's okay, shouldn't you be going to see Kise now?" Kasamatsu says, somewhat coldly and you tilt your head to the side.

"Why do you say that?"

He seems to snap and looks really flustered. "BECAUSE YOU'RE HIS FANGIRL SO YOU ARE JUST GONNA GO AND FOLLOW HIM WITH NO REGARD TO MY FEELINGS." He shouts and puffs angrily before really thinking about what he just said. His face turned really red and looked away.

You sat there stunned for several minutes before saying, "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, I really like you (Y/N)san, but it's obvious that you are in love with Kise." He confesses and you blush before shaking your head.

"No, you have it all wrong, the one I like is you." You explain his misunderstanding.

"Then why are you always with him?"

"Because I'm not strong like you, I can't just say no and express my annoyance like you." You admit, looking down at the bed sheets on your lap.

Kasamatsu smiles, feeling the extent of your words and kisses you softly. The whole time, a bright red blush dusted his cheeks.

And that's now done. I'm so sorry, I said I would update last weekend but didn't. I was tired and had a meeting to go to on Sunday so it didn't get done. I actually spent this weekend at my sister's campus for sibs weekend and wrote this on the bus ride back home. Anyway, I love you guys and hope you enjoyed this.

~Fab Chi

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