Midorima x Reader

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Welcome to Oha Asa-Vale

Okay guys, I'm sorry that this oneshot took so long. I actually was writing a different Midorima x Reader, but I was getting writer's block and couldn't think of how to end it. This was requested by @anastacia110419. This oneshot is inspired by my favorite podcast Welcome to Nightvale, if you haven't heard it, you should. It's basically a podcast on randomness, about a fictional town called Nightvale where weird things are normal. The only thing I would warn you about is that Cecil, the radio host, is gay and falls in love with a scientist named Carlos. Anyway I hope all of you like this oneshot, whether you have heard Welcome to Nightvale or not. Note: the content in this oneshot comes from episode 6: The Drawbridge. Anyway enjoy guys. :3

~Fab Chi

You sat at your desk before morning classesstarted, listening to your favorite podcast, Welcome to Nightvale. Everyone knew that you were obsessed with the podcast, and  kinda stayed away from you because of that. Once you got talking about it no one could stop you, except for maybe one person, though mostly he just added fuel to the fire.

That person was Takao Kazunari, your best friend. You had known each other from childhood, living next door to one another. Due to this friendship, you mostly hung out with Takao and Midorima.

"(Y/N)chan, are you listening to that podcast again?" Takao bounced into the classroom and right up to you.

"You know I am, Tak-chan," You said happily. "Wanna listen?"

"Sure, what episode are you listening to?" He asks, taking one of your earbuds.

"The Drawbridge, episode 6," You simply answer and both of you silence to heard the podcast.

"Here are this week’s horoscopes:

Virgo, go see a movie today. It’s a great escape! Especially from all this pollution and dangerous UV radiation! Say, is that mole new?

Libra, your dreams will be filled with prophetic visions. Write them down. Hopefully, there are some lottery numbers or sports scores in there!

Scorpio. Curse you. Curse your family! Curse your children! And your children’s children! Vile, vile Scorpio.

Sagittarius. Eat well today! You’ve earned it! And by “it,” I mean “massive food allergies”! And by “earned,” I mean “acquired”. I should proof this stuff before I read it out loud. Let’s try that again. “You’ve acquired massive food allergies!” Yes, much cleaner. Eat well!

Capricorn. Those were not contact lenses you put in this morning. Best not think about this again…

Aquarius, the white ball will be under the middle shell. Trust the stars. Invest all your money in this lucrative street game.


Aries, you will feel a haunting sadness about times gone by. Today’s smell is wheat grass and toast.

Taurus, today is your annual Crime Day. All Tauruses are exempt from laws today.

Gemini, you will meet someone today who will have no effect on your life, and who you will immediately forget. Retain hope for a possible future.

Cancer. “I’ve gotta pay my phone bill, and also get some more milk.” That wasn’t me talking. That is what the stars say today. Interpret it as you will.

Leo. It’s better that I don’t read this aloud. Better that you not know. Tell your family that you love them.

That has been this week’s horoscopes." Cecil says, and both you and Takao laugh.

"(Y/N)chan, you should show that to Shin-chan. You know how obessed he is with horoscopes." Takao says through laughs as you pause the podcast.

You blush and say, "But Tak-chan, I don't think Shin-chan would find it funny and I don't want to look stupid in front of my crush." Takao knew about your crush on Midorima and is always pushing you to confess to him.

"Aw, come on (Y/N)chan,"  Takao says and pulls you out of your seat. he pushed you over to Midorima's desk, where he was reading. "Shin-chan, (Y/N)chan has something she wants to show you."

"N-no, you don't have to listen if you don't want to," You stutter and look down, blushing.

"Just show me, (Y/N)san," Midorima says and you nod. Handing him the ear bud, you rewind the podcast to right before the horoscopes.  As the horoscopes play, Midorima's face twisted in a range of emotions and when it was over, he silently pulled the earbud out off his ear.

"So, um, what did you think, Shin-chan?' Takao asks, amused by his expressions.

"I can't believe you find that entertaining, (Y/N)san," Midorima says.

"But it's kinda funny," You mutter, and then go to sit down.

As you sit, you hear Midorima mutter, "I expected more from the girl like."

You sit, blushing, and put your head in your hands to hide your embarrassment. Your crush being a tsundere, it was super embarrassing to hear him say something like that.

Again, I'm sorry It took me so long to write this. I'll be writing the second part of the Kagami x Reader and as an added bonus, I'll be publishing a Sakurai x Reader. I apologize for my writer's block and I hope you enjoyed this oneshot. I'm also sorry if Midorima is OOC, I tried. Anyway, vote and comment your opinions. :3

~Fab Chi

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