Crazed Fever

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Hi beautiful people, I hope you are doing good.

Sorry for the late update but Be On Cloud has been merciless with me.

Songs: STFU by Rosenfeld. Do It For Me by Rosenfeld.



He glances at Tam for some guidance who shrugs behind Kinn helplessly.

It's not that Porsche doesn't want to spare with Kinn, far from it. He had wanted to punch some heavy doses of realism inside the other man's skull since their first meeting. But isn't there a rule about beating up your boss' son?

Porsche is about to ask just that when Kinn speaks again with that cocky tone, the younger man loathes.

"When I give an order I expect it to be carried out right away."

'Fuck those rules, I am done being nice!'

Porsche straightens up, fixing his gaze on a content looking Kinn. He is barely aware of Big scrambling to his feet with a simpering Khun Kinn falling from his lips.

'What does he even see in this guy?'

Without taking his eyes off Kinn, Porsche walks backwards to the centre of the tatamis. He notes with annoyance Kinn is following him a bit too close for comfort.

'What's his deal? Stay in your line, jerk!'

He chooses to ignore how close Kinn is to what should be normal opponents' distance, focusing on what he knows as Kinn's strong points.

The man is broader than him and strong.

'Let's see how fast...' Remembering how Kinn had blocked his punch, Porsche breathes in slowly then out. 'Don't mess up this golden opportunity.'

Tam gives them the signal to attack. Kinn and Porsche circle each other, gauging each other.

In a heartbeat, he goes for Kinn's jaw but the latter blocks him giving a wide opening for Porsche to deliver a high kick on his exposed right side.

He watches with a deep-rooted pleasure how the taller man stumbles surprised by the attack. High on his assumed victory, Porsche attacks him with a succession of punches and kicks, destabilising Kinn who ends up lying flat on his back with Porsche straddling him.

Kinn's hair is no longer neat but it lays in a new crazy order of strands. He is breathless as Porsche is with rosy cheeks.

It is the feel of Kinn's hand tapping his knees which brings Porsche back to reality.

'What the hell am I staring at him?'

Not only is he straddling his boss right in the middle of a dojo but Big and other bodyguards are sending him strange glances...only Tam is making signs for Porsche to stand up already.

'They are acting as if they had never seen someone spared in their whole life.'

Panting, Porsche stands up readying himself for another round. He is not stupid enough to believe Kinn accepting his defeat.

The man is also panting but his lips are stretched into a wide grin. Strangely Porsche can't help but stare at him.

Unlike the usual contempt and uncaring demeanour, this Kinn feels more human.

'So he can make a face like this...'

This small second costs him.

Unlike his fighting style where Porsche prioritizes quick jabs, kicks and being fast on his feet, Kinn has a different style.

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