Queen's Gambit

565 21 17

Hi beautiful people!

I love this pic of Porsche.

Music: Living In Symphony by Fleurie.

Warning: swearing, projection of violence.

I hope you are all doing fine, the heat is killing me...

Anyway, enjoy!


Kinn's gaze is still on him and he knows he will face the music when they enter Kinn's living areas.

No Big in sight.

Not even his annoying lap dog, Ken.

And not even good-hearted Tam to save his ass.

Porsche is alone and begging Kinn for mercy is out of question. He rather die...

'As if you have a choice, stupid!'

"Khun Kinn." Rian waiies, bowing his head respectful setting Porsche's teeth on edge.

"P'Chan has been waiting for your arrival." Kinn says in the guise of greeting.

"I'll go meeting him right away, Khun Kinn." Rian bows one last and without sparing one last glance at Porsche.

As soon as they are alone, Kinn's attention is on him like a bird of prey. Porsche barely has time to step back before he is cornered in an alcove.

"Meeting an old friend?" Kinn's bulkier frame is caging and cutting Porsche from the world.

"He wasn't in the database otherwise I would have told you right away." The bodyguard growls out.

Kinn hums, the sound making something inside Porsche's stomach move restlessly. The close proximity is setting his senses on edge once again. He leans back against the wall only to tense when the heir follows.

"You are good at hacking, you could-" Kinn starts with a dangerous smile, his head leaning to the side while he is sizing up his head bodyguard.

"I didn't!" Porsche cuts him off. "Don't forget that I have more at stake than you, Kinn!"

'That asshole is acting as if his life might end at any moment if he doesn't find that damn necklace! And that's not even the real one.'

Kinn's stare changes into a glare, prompting Porsche to look for the gun he has left. The gesture isn't missed by Kinn who grabs his neck, not hard enough to choke him but the threat is crystal clear.

Another misstep and Porsche will never be safe from a man like Kinn.

When Kinn leans closer, his mouth a breath away from Porsche's mouth. He has to repress the shivers running up his body but Kinn's hot breath is hard to ignore.

"Maybe you should have thought things through before you decided to help your uncle, Porsche."

"Maybe you should have known better about the real necklace instead of making us lose precious time!" Kinn's hand is clenching a tiny bit for his hands to fly to Kinn's. He can still breathe but the sensation is uncomfortable. "If you kill me, you won't find Athi."

Kinn's hand doesn't move for a long moment, making Porsche fights his instincts to just attack the older man. Until the latter heaves a sigh, looking more annoyed than angry.

'I fucking hate his mood swings! Pick one, asshole!'

"You have no idea where your uncle is and the traitor is my uncle's, right-hand man. And because I don't believe in luck, Porsche, he has probably told him who you really are."

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