Chapter 24

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Hi guys, sorry for the delay in updating. I hope this makes up for it. Sorry it's not as long but it progresses the story, which is slowly coming to an end. I'm estimating approximately another 5-7 chapters. Not entirely sure at this stage. Anyway, enjoy the update.


Nancy loops her arm through mine and we walk slowly through the hospital grounds. It’s nice to be outside again. It’s one of those perfect spring days today. The sky is blue, there are no clouds in sight and the breeze is soft and has a warmth to it. Breathing in deeply, the smell of roses tickle my nose.

For a few moments we walk and don’t say anything. Nancy and I had a long chat after I confessed about Sam. I know we both have a long way to go but it’s so nice having my friend back.

When we reach a bench underneath a large tree, we both sit. Our arms stay looped and we still don’t talk as we stare out over the grounds. There are some patients walking around with family, some sitting on the ground eating lunch, some just walking around and enjoying the spring day. For a moment I feel connected with them. We’re all suffering in some way.

“It feels like I’ve done all the talking,” I finally say after a few moments of silence. “I’m sorry. You need a listening ear too and I’m here.”

I look across at Nancy and she gives me a small smile. “I don’t mind,” she says softly, unlooping our arms and folding her hands in her lap. “It’s sort of been nice to hear someone else’s problems rather than just my own, you know?”

Believe it or not I do and I nod eagerly, understanding totally. “Of course. It’s like you can handle someone else’s tragedies but you can’t handle your own.”

Nancy’s eyes widen and she nods. “Exactly!” She grins this time and laughs softly. “God I’ve missed us.”

Tears burn my eyes and we smile sillily at each other. “Me too,” I say. “Okay so can I ask questions?”

Nancy takes a deep breath then nods.

“Okay so first one,” I say, turning slightly so I’m facing her. “Are you and Jason still together?”

I’m not really sure why I’m asking this. I know Jason wouldn’t have given up on her but I just feel like I need to ask. Although when I see Nancy’s shocked look, I realise it probably is a silly question. I hold my breath, hoping like hell she doesn’t freak out. Eventually she sighs and a resigned look crosses her face.

“I suppose that’s a fair question,” she says, which surprises me. “After all that’s happened, I almost wouldn’t blame him if he left me.” She shrugs then looks at me with a soft smile. “But yes we are. He’s been such a rock and I owe him so much. I’ve put him through hell, Em yet he’s still stuck by me.”

I breathe a sigh of relief and nod. “I’m so glad, Nan. He’s good for you. We had a chat recently, after you visited the last time, remember?”

She cringes but nods.

“Anyway, I knew he would do his best to help you.”

“What if he resents me?” Nancy suddenly asks, looking at me with wide, afraid eyes.

“Why would he resent you?”

“Because I killed our baby.” She hangs her head and her shoulders shake as she cries. I can’t begin to imagine how she is feeling so I place my arm across her shoulders and hold her close for a few moments as she cries.

I really don’t know what I should say so in the end I try and be as consoling as possible. “You haven’t seen him since…?” I trail off, not really knowing how to say it.

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