Chapter 29

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Hi guys! Here is the newest chapter for you. I hope the ending puts a smile on your faces. ;) Enjoy! <3


While David is still in Lachlan's room, I sit on the couch and lay my head back. It's so quiet and peaceful...something I'm not used to. Closing my eyes, I sigh deeply and let my body relax. I stay like this for a few moments until I feel the couch dip. When I open my eyes again I see David sitting next to me, his face beaming.

"How'd it go?" I ask sleepily.

A grin spreads across his face "It went well," he says. "Thank you for letting me do that. You have no idea how much that meant to me. It's something I used to always do for Jenny. It's nice to do it again."

I sit up and shift so I'm facing him then I take his hand. "Well then, you're welcome to do it any time."

His hand squeezes mine and our eyes meet. I notice his are a darker shade of green and my heart flutters as I realise it's the want in them. His gaze keeps flicking to my lips and I shiver in anticipation. I'm not sure if I'm entirely ready for this yet I find myself wanting to feel his lips on mine. To see if kissing him is as amazing as I imagine it would be. To see if there are sparks that prove we are compatible.

Slowly he leans forward and I do the same. We're only inches away when his free hand comes up to my neck and gently caresses it. My entire body is vibrating as his lips brush mine for the first time. I expect fireworks, I expect to melt into him, I expect everything to feel perfect. But none of that happens. The moment his soft lips land on mine the only thing I can think of is how different they are to Sam's. How wrong it feels even though I want it to feel right. Then the moment is ruined completely.

I pull away and jump up from the couch, breathing heavily. A shocked looking David is sitting motionless, his eyes anywhere but me. I cover my face with my hands to hide my tears as I chide myself for being so stupid. I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to see what we had but I freaked and I don't know why. Is it still too early? Am I so desperate to move on and lead a normal life I didn't stop to think about how it would feel to move on?

Releasing a shaky breath, I remove my hands and clasp them in front of me. David has stood up from the couch and is standing awkwardly a few feet away from me.

"I...I'm sorry," I whisper. "I...I..." I swallow roughly and shake my head, unable to find the words.

David smiles then takes a step forward and reaches for my hand. It's only now I realise how much it's shaking. Damn these emotions.

"Emily, it's okay," he says genuinely. "It's too early, I understand. I'm sorry for coming on so strong."

I open my mouth to speak, to deny everything he's said but no words come out. David leans in and kisses me on the cheek. When he pulls away, his eyes are sparkling and his smile hasn't even slipped.

"Really, it's okay," he repeats, stroking my cheek. "I understand, Emily. These things take time and I'm sorry if—"

Book Three - Fighting For YouWhere stories live. Discover now