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Hi guys, here it is - the final chapter! Thanks @safinabux for picking up on the error in the previous chapter. It has now been fixed. I will dedicate this chapter to you when I'm on my computer next as I'm updating in my iPad. :)

Without any further adieu here is the epilogue. Enjoy!


Six months later

The screams of a newborn fill the room and I flop back onto my pillow, panting, crying happy tears and totally and utterly exhausted. I can feel Sam's hand gripping mine but I'm too spent to even look at him.

Then I hear those glorious words. "Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby girl," the midwife says.

My eyes snap open and I sit up, my exhaustion momentarily forgotten. I glance at Sam excitedly who has tears in his eyes. The midwife gives me a beaming smile then she hands me my new daughter.

Tears coat my cheeks as I stare at the little bundle in my arms, wrapped in a pink blanket. She is still crying but it is like music to my ears because at least I know she's healthy. Words fail me. All I can do is stare as an unbreakable and indescribable bond forms between us. She stops crying for a moment, her little dark blue eyes opening. She stares at me and I stare at her. My heart has melted and I feel the same way I did when I had Lachlan...that I would die for this miracle.

Sensing Sam next to me, I look up and grin. Tears stain his cheeks but he's smiling like the proud father he is. I hand over our daughter to him and he takes her carefully. His face is crossed with awe, just like it was when we had Lachlan.

The door suddenly bursts open and Dani runs through looking flushed. She promised to be here but my labour was so quick, it was impossible for her to make it on time.

"Oh my god!" Dani cries, running over to Sam and peering over his shoulder. She grins at me. "She's beautiful," she whispers. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here, Em. I had to leave work and I couldn't go straight-"

"It's okay," I interrupt, laughing weakly. "This little munchkin wasn't waiting for anybody."

As Dani coos over our new daughter, I flop back onto the bed and close my eyes. A moment later the bed dips and someone takes my hand. Opening one eye, I see Sam smiling at me with a huge grin. I want to remember this day because when I first found out I was pregnant, I was facing being a single mother. Now, by some miracle, my husband is alive and we get to raise our beautiful daughter together.

"How are you?" he asks, using his free hand to move my sweaty hair out of my face.

"Exhausted," I say with a smile, "but happy at the same time. Extremely happy because you're here."

His face lights up and he leans in to kiss me. When he pulls away the nurse comes in and takes our daughter away promising to bring her back later. Once she's gone, it's silent again. Dani has left to deliver the good news to everyone and it's just me and Sam again.

"I'm happy I'm here too," he says in reference to my comment. "I could never be happier, Em. We have two beautiful children together."

My hearts wells with pride. "How do you think Lachie will adapt to his new little sister?"

He smiles fondly. "He may be jealous for a while but he'll soon grow to love her, I'm sure of it."

"I hope so. What do you want to call her? I was thinking Clara Jade."

Sam frowns in thought. "I like Clara but not Jade. What about Clara May?"

I grin then nod, sitting up and kissing him. "Yes, I like it. Clara May."

Book Three - Fighting For YouWhere stories live. Discover now