Chapter 14

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Hi guys! Well this is progress, another update in less than two weeks. ;) I hope you enjoy. You know the drill. xx


Being on house arrest sucks balls. Seriously I have never been so bored in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love nothing better than relaxing indoors and not going out anywhere but that’s willingly. Being forced to do it is torture. It’s been a week since that dreaded incident and I’m pulling my hair out.

Dad is working side by side with the cops on this case but they’re not getting anywhere. They can’t prove Henry was involved and they have my so-called confession. I think Dad’s purposely trying to delay them in the hope something else will come of it but so far nothing has. I’m doomed.

As I look down at a sleeping Lachlan, my stomach drops at the thought of being away from him. In jail. It can’t happen. It just can’t. I need to prove Henry somehow but I don’t know where to start. Especially since I can’t leave this dreaded house. Simon said he’d help too but I know there’s only so much he can do.

I lay down and rest my head on my arm and watch Lachlan’s chest heave and fall. It’s early, around five in the morning but I can’t sleep. There’s too much on my mind. Something tells me I’ve missed something, that there’s something I’m not remembering. Something that will help toward my innocence but I can’t think. The day I found Sam is such a blur.


I sigh as I think of my husband, still laying lifeless in the hospital bed. Nothing has changed. Dad has been wonderful and he’s taken me down to see him every day, even after work when I know he’d rather stay home and relax. He’s been so good about this. Mum…well she’s been good too. I don’t think she expected things to backfire like they have but she’s been extremely positive.

What I am thankful for is that no one doubts me. Well apart from the police but that’s neither here nor there. What’s important is my family doesn’t. Dani knows the whole story too and she’s been amazing. I really do have such an amazing friend and sister-in-law. As soon as Sam is awake again, I intend to thank everyone. I don’t know how but they need to know how much their support means to me.

Rolling onto my back, I stare up at the ceiling and my thoughts drift to Nancy. Tears fill my eyes just thinking about her. I wish I could speak to her but we’re still not on talking terms. Neither of us have taken the time out to try and sort things out. To be honest, it’s the last thing on my mind at the moment. She’s hormonal and I’m trying to prove that I can face my problems head on. I think we need this time apart. Even though I miss her like hell, my focus right now has to be Sam, Lachlan and saving my arse from going to jail.

Hearing movement outside, I know Dad’s awake. He always gets up early so he can get a long day at work. Ever since he’s taken on my case, he’s been working even harder. I’m worried about him. Over the last couple of days he’s started to look so worn out. I should tell him to stop but I can’t, I need him too much. He’s the only one stopping me from being arrested for good. Besides, even if I did tell him to slow down, he wouldn’t.

Carefully I get out of bed, trying not to wake Lachlan. He’s been restless lately and isn’t sleeping well. He has nightmares and often wakes up just to snuggle closer to me. He sees Sam when I do so I think that’s upsetting him but I can’t bear to leave him home. He deserves to see his father, I’m not going to deprive that of him. I just hope Sam gets better soon, I need him to help me through this.

I put my dressing gown on, place my phone in the pocket then sneak out of my room and head down to the kitchen. Sure enough Dad is sitting at the table with a coffee, scribbling away on a notepad. He looks up when I enter and his brow furrows.

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