Chapter 11

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Hi guys, I am so truly sorry once again for the delay. We have had so much stress over the last few weeks. My step-nana recently died after battling with cancer. My grandad, who has dementia, has been under so much stress and has turned into a person I no longer know. So with constant visits to the hospital and general stress, writing has been the furthest thing from my mind.

However, an update is finally here. I hope you will forgive me for the delay. Grandad is still very unwell but there is not much we can do. Therefore, my life is slowly starting to have a little bit of normality to it. I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Sitting next to Sam, I stare at his lifeless body and mull over my conversation with Mum. One day I will learn Mum doesn’t always freak out. I worry she will but when she knows it’s something that’s really bothering me, she’ll react compassionately. I’ve never learnt that and I think it’s time I did.

After telling her everything, I could see the disappointment in her eyes but the words she spoke were not disapproving. If anything they were comforting and gave me an idea of what I needed to do.

All she said was, “We all make mistakes, Emily. You may not be proud of them but what’s important is that you deal with them the right way. In your case you have two options. You can deal with it yourself and hope this bloke leaves you alone. Or you can go to the police and let them deal with it. There may be repercussions for your actions but sometimes it’s worth it just to get a situation resolved.”

And you know what? I know she’s right. The truth is, she and Nancy were both right. I’ve done enough running and hiding. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m petrified of the consequences but I know it’s time to face this head on.

So folks, this is where I started at the beginning. Sitting beside Sam, Lachlan sitting opposite me putting on a brave face. It’s true, this is my fault but it’s time to deal with it properly. I can’t punch Henry’s lights out anymore, it’s more serious than that. And while I still have no proof he did this act of violence, I’m certain it was him. He was the only one I had contact with before it happened.

He will pay and if I suffer too, then so be it.

I take Sam’s hand and hold it against my cheek. Closing my eyes, I imagine it’s him and he’s awake and telling me everything will be okay.

“Mummy?” a little voice asks.

My eyes snap open and I’m once again faced with reality. Tears blur my vision but I can still make out Lachlan’s figure. He’s grasping Sam’s hand tightly.

Blinking a couple of times to rid of the tears, I force a smile then say, “Yes, Lachie?”

He moves his head to the side a little and furrows his brow. “Who’s that man?”

I spin around to where Lachlan is looking. Standing there staring through the glass with a smirk on his arrogant face is Henry. He inclines his head as a gesture for me to follow him then walks away. My heart pounds in my chest and I turn back to Lachlan again, managing a weak smile.

“He’s no one,” I lie. “Maybe he got the wrong room.”

Lachlan nods but doesn’t look convinced. I probably shouldn’t follow Henry, who knows what he’s got in store for me, but something is telling me to find out. I don’t want to leave Lachlan alone though so my hands are tied right now.

Like clockwork though, Simon comes into the room with Dani who is holding Leo. I breathe a sigh of relief. They finally made it! Simon rang earlier and said he would meet me here rather than going together. Lachlan was disappointed they weren’t there, despite me saying they would come later. Sadly ‘later’ to Lachlan was never.

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