Chapter 15

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Hi guys! So very sorry for the delay. With Xmas holidays coming up I'm hoping to get ahead in my writing. Fingers crossed! Here is a chapter for you. I hope this makes up for the delay. Enjoy! <3


“Dad please,” I beg as he does up his tie, “you can just drop me off.”

Dad looks at me sympathetically and tightens the knot of the tie. “I’m sorry, Emily but I must get into work early. You know you’re under—”

“I know,” I interrupt impatiently. “You don’t have to keep reminding me. But he’s asking for me, Dad! He’s awake. Please don’t make me wait.”

He sighs and his shoulders droop. “God knows I love you Emily but sometimes I swear you’ll be the death of me.” He smiles and ruffles my hair. “I tell you what, if you can be ready in five minutes I’ll drop you off at the hospital.”

I shriek in excitement but Dad holds his hand up then says, “You have to stay at the hospital the whole time though. I’ll come by at lunch to pick you up and bring you home. Whatever you do, do not tell the police what I’m about to do. They’ll have my head.”

I leap at Dad and embrace him tightly. “I won’t say a word, you know I won’t. I’ll just go get ready.”

“Five minutes,” Dad calls as I run out of the kitchen.

Taking the steps two at a time, I burst into my room and change as quick as lightning. I want to take Lachlan with me but he’s still sleeping and I can’t bear to wake him. I’ll just let Mum know on the way out what’s going on so she can look after him. She’s not working today anyway.

I’m dressed in less than two minutes. Kissing Lachlan on the top of the head, I dash out of the room. Once I’m downstairs I’m about to go and see Mum when Dad calls me.

“I’ve let her know already,” he says as though he can read my mind. “If you’re ready let’s go. You’re just fortunate I pass the hospital on the way.”

I nod then we leave the house. Ever since the phone call I’ve been jittery. I can’t believe he’s awake! This is going to change everything. He can help me through this nightmare. We’ll get through this together…like we always do.

“Emily,” Dad says, sounding slightly annoyed.

“What?” I ask, looking at him in confusion.

“Did you not hear me?”

I shake my head, I didn’t even know he had been talking.

“Sorry, Dad my mind is elsewhere. What did you say?”

He sighs and I can see he’s already stressed. “I said, I know Sam has just woken up but it’s important you tell him what’s going on. We need his account on things. He’s the only one who can tell us who hurt him.” He sighs again then mutters, “I just hope like hell he saw the perpetrator.”

Nodding, I stare out the window and notice the sun has just risen above the horizon. A few wispy clouds are scattered across the sky but otherwise it looks like a perfect day. My mind suddenly thinks back to Venice and the picnic Sam and I had on our last day there after we made up. I suddenly feel a longing to be back there. For that brief forty-five minutes everything was perfect. I’d do anything to feel that again.

Feeling the car come to a stop, I blink a couple of times and notice Dad has parked out the front of the hospital. I suddenly feel nervous at the thought of what I have to tell Sam. Dad’s right, he needs to know immediately so we can get this case moving.

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