Chapter 4

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Hi guys, I'm very sorry for the delay in updating this story. I have no excuse whatsoever apart from being  busy. I hate being an adult sometimes. :) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Happy reading!


It’s been three weeks since Dani had her baby. She and Simon are settling in well with Leo and they are typically proud parents. I can’t seem to get enough of Leo and Lachlan is enthralled by him. Although since the birth, Sam has been making not so obvious hints at us having another baby. Don’t get me wrong, I want to but I want to wait until I’ve graduated from Uni.

I only have just under a year left and by that point Lachlan will be three so I’ll feel ready to have another. Of course I’ve told Sam this and as usual he’s understanding. Unfortunately it doesn’t stop the wistful look I see in his eye every time he’s holding Leo.

Today is my day off Uni but with Sam at work and Lachlan with Simon and Dani, I’m taking the most to catch up on my assignments. I never realised how tough it would be to study full time with a toddler and the fact that I’m falling behind is proof of how tough it is. Yet despite falling behind, I’ve still managed to be top of every class.

As I stretch after completing an assignment, I smile in success. Some things never change. Perhaps I was almost meant to be a high achiever?

Pompous much, Emily?

Whatever. I can’t help how I feel. As I remember how I got dux of the school, a niggling feeling eats at me. I rarely think about that moment in my life but occasionally it pops up and I still feel a little guilty. I hate the thought that I lied to the education board but I knew it was for a good cause. What if it comes back to bite me in the butt?

This thought sends a shiver down my spine. That’s not possible, it’s all in the past and we didn’t really do anything wrong. What Henry and Mr Humphrey did was wrong and they deserved to pay.

Dammit, I hate where my thoughts take me sometimes. I shake my shoulders as though ridding them from my mind then stand up. Noticing the time is approaching three in the afternoon I decide I should pick up Lachlan. I know Simon and Dani don’t mind how long they look after him but I’m starting to have withdrawals.

Once I’ve packed up my study gear, I sit on the couch to put my shoes on. I just tie the last shoelace when I get a message on my phone. Thinking it’s just Sam texting his usual ‘I wish I could ravage you’ message, I swipe the phone without thinking. And yes, even while Sam is teaching at school he sends me raunchy messages.

As kinky thoughts invade my mind, I get an idea. It’s Wednesday and I know Sam has a free now, which he always spends in the drama room. It would be quite exciting to get it on at the scene of the crime, wouldn’t it?

A mischievous smile spreads across my face as and I make a snap decision to leave Lachlan for a while longer. Simon and Dani won’t mind.

With that thought in mind I look at the message, ready to type a kinky response. Sadly my kinky thoughts disappear in an instant when I see it’s not actually Sam.

We need to talk, Emily.

What the…? I stare at the message and wrack my brain, trying to figure out who the message is from. It’s obviously someone I don’t know as I don’t recognise the number and there’s no name.

Before I can type a reply, another message comes through.

You know who this is, don’t play dumb.

I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion. How does this person know what I’m doing? When the next message comes through, it doesn’t answer my question but it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

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