The Dare Game.

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I woke up this morning forgetting I was back in camp. I really didn't want to be here, I didn't want to face Alex. My hand was healing, but my knuckles were still bruised.
I tied my hair back and made my way towards the cafeteria.

"Chapman wait up!", I heard Nicky yell behind me.

"Oh, hi", I said continuing to walk ahead.

"You spoke to Vause? She told me what happened, you must be pretty pissed."

"Yeah well I am, but it's alright. She's getting it back", I said with a smirk. I thought maybe the trying to seduce Stella thing might not work so hopefully Nicky would have something in mind.

"What do you mean? You planning revenge? Because I want in!", Nicky said, excited like a child.

"Sort of, you see I need to make Alex jealous, you know, to prove if she does actually care about me."

"Oooh sounds good".

Me and Nicky grabbed our trays and sat down with Morello. Alex was nowhere in sight. Not that I cared.

"Hey girls, what's up?", Morello asked.

"Chapmans planning revenge on Vause for kissing Stella", Nicky explained.

"Oh, I heard about that, I'm sorry Piper".

"It's fine. She's going to get what's coming to her".

Nicky couldn't help but have a huge smile on her face, she was overly excited about this plan.

"Anyways, Nicky, I thought you were Alex's friend?", I asked.

"Well, what she did was pretty fucked up. And you know me, always in for a good payback plan".

"Okay, so have you got any ideas?", I asked them both.

Morello looked at me, then Nicky, then back down at her food.

"Okay, Nichols?".

"Well...we could have some kind of dare game?"

"Yeah, yeah that sounds good", I nodded in agreement.

"Us and a few others should gather in Boos bunk after dinner, she's always in for a good dare game", Nicky added.

"Okay, let's go find her so we can tell her what's going on".

Me and Nicky made our way down the corridors and to the bunks, grinning like two little kids.

"Hey Boo!", Nicky said as she strolled in to Big Boos bunk.

"You heard about Vause?", Nicky asked.

"No why? What's happened?", she asked sitting up off her bed.

"Chapman caught her kissing Stella, and we are getting revenge, you want in?"

"Hell yeah! So what's the plan?", she said as she leant forward.

Me and Nicky took a seat on the bed across from her.

"We are going to have a dare game after dinner, you know, a few dares here and there if you know what I mean", Nicky giggled.

"Oh, sounds great! I'll spread the word".

"Okie dokie then, Piper we've got it all sorted", Nicky said rubbing her hands together.


We headed towards the cafeteria for lunch. I was just looking out of the window when I saw a few inmates sat at a picnic table. One of them was Stella. Then I saw Alex. Alex was walking along the grass with a litter picker. Stella was staring at her with a small smile on her face. That bitch, I thought. Then Alex caught eye contact with Stella and leant on the litter picker flicking her hair off her shoulder. Oh she's going to get it.

Me and Nicky sat at a table discussing our plan. We were also discussing it with the table behind us where there was Big Boo, Soso, Taystee, Crazy Eyes, Pensatucky (surprisingly), Poussey, Black Cindy and Sophia. They all wanted in.

Big Boo leant over and whispered,"hey, I've got some hooch. Should we have some before hand?".

"Yes!", me and Nicky said.

"Okay, come to my bunk when dinner is over".

After Dinner was over, me, Nicky and Morello made our way to Big Boos bunk where there was a large group of inmates passing around a bottle.

"Heeyyyyyyy", Big Boo slurred.

"Oh yeah!", Nicky yelled grabbing the bottle and gulping some down.

She then passed the bottle to me.
I gulped some down and wiped my mouth.

"Let's do this!"

The sound of laughter filled the bunks. Luckily Bennet was on duty so we were safe. I was feeling quite tipsy after the hooch.
After an hour or so, I had been dared to grind on Nicky and on Big Boo. Morello didn't seem to mind, she and Nicky were having a 'break' from each other and were just friends. Besides, she knew it was only for revenge on Alex.
Big Boo was on the floor doing some weird kind of dance and we were all circled around her clapping and cheering. I looked around still crying with laughter when I saw Alex walking in. I quickly turned around and continued clapping.
It wasn't so much a dare game anymore, everyone was too drunk to even know what they were doing. Everyone was dancing and singing at this point.

"I'm just saying, I could be a famous rapper y'know what I'm saying like, January February ma-aarch April May Juuuune!", Black Cindy sang as Taystee started twerking beside her. We all joined in with her and I nudged Nicky who looked like she was having the time of her life.

"She's over there", I whispered to Nicky.

"Ok", Nicky said as she gave a look to Big Boo.

"Okayyyy, Piper, Nicky. Come over here and show us what you got!"

Everyone cheered and pushed me and Nicky into the centre of the circle.
I was too drunk to really know what I was doing but if it got Alex's attention then Hey-ho.

Me and Nicky began twerking on eachother, grinding, doing slut drops, everything. We looked so stupid. It was a bit like the time me and Alex were dancing at Taystees leaving party.

"Woooooo! Go girls!", Big Boo shouted.

Everyone was laughing and clapping as me and Nicky were dancing on eachother.

Then all of a sudden I saw Alex grabbing my wrist and dragging me off to the toilets.
My vision was blurred and I could see everyone in the bunks collapsing on the floor in laughter.
I giggled as I was being dragged away.

"Catch ya later guyyys", I managed to slurr out.

I was sat on the unit in the toilets and Alex was standing in front of me.

"What the hell was that?", she asked.

"I was having fun that's what, why don't you mind your own business and get back to your girlfriend", I said as I got off the unit and stumbled out of the toilets.

Before I could leave, Alex put her hands on my waist and turned me around to face her.

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