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"Larry?! What the hell are you doing here?", I shouted into the car.

"You're mom asked me to pick you up, she offered me over for tea tonight as your 'getting out' gathering", he replied.

"You're fucking kidding me right?", I yelled as I rubbed my head in confusion.

"Nope", he said awkwardly as he looked out the window.

I just stood on the sidewalk not knowing what to do and not realising how cold it was.

" gonna get in?", he asked opening the door.

Without replying, I got in the car, slammed the door shut and glared out of the window.

The journey to my parents house was only an hour but that felt like forever since me and Larry didn't talk at all.

My eyes were starting to close when Larry started talking.

"Soooo...what're you gonna do when Alex gets out?", he asked.

"Get as far away from you as possible", I reply in a cocky tone.


"No Larry I don't want to talk"

"Okay", he said.

We carried on staying silent until Larry pulled out a disc and put it in the CD player.

A song came on that me and Larry used to call "our song".

If he thinks he's going to get me to be nicey nicey with him he can forget it, he's just made things far more awkward.

Sooner or later he realised that I wasn't reacting to the song, so he decided to sing to it. Great...

"I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind, that I put down in wonderful life is, now you're in the world..", Larry sang in the most out of tune, high pitch voice I had ever heard in my life.

"Do you sing this to Polly?", I ask him raising my eyebrows.

"No Piper, this is our song..."

And with that, he changed over and started singing other songs, the whooole journey home.

Finally, thank god, we got to my parents house. As soon as we got up onto the drive, I stepped out the car and ran straight into the house. All my family members were here and so was Polly.

I tried my very best to avoid her but after all my family came to give me a hug and a "welcome home Piper!", so did Polly. She reached out her arms for a hug but I just nudged past her.

"Oh...okay...", I heard her mutter behind me.

I went upstairs to my bedroom and got changed into some black skinny jeans and a white shirt.
I was sat at my dressing table applying a bit of make up when I heard a tap at the door.

"Piper?", the voice said.

In walked Polly.

"Piper can we just-"

"Polly, I don't want you here. Or Larry. But because this is a welcome back party and everyone seems pretty happy, I'm going to put on my happy face. But I'm not happy, at all..."

I got up so I was stood right in front of her. The good thing about being tall is that you can really intimidate people smaller than you.

"All I want is to see my parents happy, and to see you and Larry fuck off!", I yelled and I barged past her and headed downstairs.

"Well I'd just like to say thank you to everybody for being here, and I'd like to say how wonderful it is to have Piper back", my mother said as she raised a glass of champagne.

Everybody cheered and clinked their glasses together.
At the end of the table sat Larry and Polly, they hand hold of each others hand and were laughing and giggling. Gross, they make me sick.

After a few glasses of champagne and wine, I was now quite tipsy and was shovelling handfuls of crisps into my mouth.

I turned around with my glass in hand and knocked into somebody, causing my wine to cover them.

"Oh fuck", I said unaware of who it was.

"I'm so sor-"

I looked up to see Larry stood right in front of me, absolutely devastated at the wine all over his favourite shirt.

I leant in closer to him.

"You've got a little wine on your shirt", I said prodding my finger on his chest then walking away with a smug smile.

All I wanted right now was Alex, I always have a better time being drunk when I'm with her. We get up to all sorts of stuff.

I started to feel quite tired, many people were leaving (absolutely wasted) so I tell my mum I'm going to bed.

Getting into my own bed was so strange, I haven't been in it for over a year. I lay staring up at the roof, tears formed in my eyes and before I know it I was crying my eyes out.

I just wanted to get out of here, I want Larry and Polly to just move the fuck away from here and I wanted Alex out of prison, with me.

I grabbed my huge teddy I had and cuddled up to it until I slowly fell asleep...

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