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Me and Alex spent hours in the airport, having a nosey in all the stores.

It was 2 am and we were heading to board the plane. I had butterflies in my stomach because I remember the last time I was in Paris was when I left Alex alone. I frowned a little and Alex took my hand.

"What's wrong Pipes? Aren't you excited?"

"Nothing...yeah of course I'm's just, last time I was in Paris I left---"

"Pipes", she interrupted and squeezed my hand.

"Forget about that. I love you and that's all that matters. Fuck the past..."

I give her an unsure smile but nodded my head.

It was dark outside, the runway was lit up with small lights and it was perfect.

We boarded the plane and I headed straight to the window seat. Alex knows I can't sit on the end.
We put our luggage up on the shelf.
I put in my earphones and played my iPod on shuffle.

The majority of people were asleep, I noticed as I gazed around.

"Are you not going to be talking to me at all on this flight?", Alex giggled as she nudged me lightly.

"Are you alright?", I asked her sarcastically as I kissed her.

"Yeah, always am when I'm with you", she replied as she leant in and kissed me back.

We were interrupted by a random woman appearing from behind us.

"Oh my god, Alex Vause?!", she said as she leant forward.

"Uh...yeah?", Alex said annoyed as she pulled away from me.

"Oh my...I can't believe it's you! And you're a lesbian?!"

Alex let out an annoyed giggle.

"Yes I am, and you are?", she asked as she raised her eyebrows at the odd girl.

"I'm Jessica wedge? From school?", she replied.

I noticed Alex's face drop, and she rubbed her forehead. Something she always does when she's frustrated.

"What...the fuck? Why are you even talking to me?", she snapped.

"Woah...only saying hi Alex?", Jessica replied.

"Well go and say hi to someone else. Why would I want to talk to you after you made my life a fucking misery?", Alex said.

"Okay...well I'm sorry, you know I was only a kid...", she replied quietly.

"I don't fucking care! Now get the fuck away from us."

Jessica glanced at me before she awkwardly went back to her seat.

"What the fuck? Alex she's the bitch who bullied you?", I asked as I rubbed her arm.

"Yeah...fucking hate that bitch", she replied.

"Just...forget it. Go to sleep", I said as I took her head and rested it on my shoulder.

Me and Alex both fell asleep for a few hours before we finally landed in Paris.

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