The Visit.

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Last night was amazing. That has got to be the most fun I have had in a long time.

I woke up beside Alex, luckily Mr. Healy wasn't around and thank god Stella wasn't. It worried me knowing she would be out of SHU tomorrow.

"Good morning", Alex mumbled as she turned to face me.

"Good morning Alex", I replied, kissing her cheek.

We stared at each other and smiled until Alex shot up off the bed.

"Oh shit! I need to get to work", she exclaimed.

I raised my eyebrows and gave her a confused look but she leaned down to kiss me then left.

Perching myself up on the bed, I let out a sigh as I start thinking about how much time I have left and what I will do when I get out. I have 2 months left and Alex has 6. Cal wouldn't mind me staying with him and Nori until Alex gets out, then we could both get our own place together.

I start daydreaming about what me and Alex will do once we get out of this shithole when my attention is drawn to Nicky clicking her fingers in my face.

"Hellloooo? Earth to Chapman?", she sang.

"Oh, hey Nicky"

"Yeah...hey. You have a visitor", she said with an uneasy look.

"What? But...who?", I asked getting very confused.

"I don't know, I saw your name on the list so you should be getting called in soon", Nicky explained.

"Dammit, I mean who the hell could it be?", I said.

Nicky shrugged her shoulders then sauntered off out of my cube.

I sat on the edge of my bed and didn't move a muscle. I was just so confused, and I couldn't stop thinking about who it could be or what I should say.

"Chapman to the visitation room....Chapman to the visitation room...", I hear a voice say through the speakers.


Walking towards the visitation room, I start sweating and my heart starts thumping in my chest.

I get to the visitation room and look around to see an empty chair across from....Larry.

"What the fuck do you want?", I ask sternly.

"Piper I just came to see if you're okay, calm down", he replied.

"No I won't calm down Larry, I don't want you here!", I yelled.

"I know....I know you don't. But there is something and Polly have been meaning to tell you..."

"Polly? Well then where is she?"

"She didn't want to come, she's being feeling ill"

"Oh....shame. Anyways spit it out", I say leaning back on my chair and looking him dead in the eye he becomes flustered.

"Polly...she's uh....pregnant. With my baby, and um, were engaged".

Weirdly, I feel I huge pain in my heart. Why did I care so much? I don't love Larry, I love Alex.

"Oh", is all I manage to say.

"I just wanted to let you know because you deserve to, and I hope you and Alex are happy together..."

With that, he got up off the chair and headed out of the room.

I didn't even turn to watch him leave, I stared blankly at the wall in front of me and felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

I got up and headed towards the canteen, grabbed my tray and joined Nicky, Alex and Morello at a table.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?", Alex asked as she put her arms around me, obviously noticing my red face.

"Larry visited me..."

"What?! Why the fuck did-"

"Polly is pregnant...with his baby", I interrupt.

"And why the hell do you care?", she asked.

"I don't. I don't care at all it's just, Polly was my best friend. How could she just, rub her new happy life in my face?"

"Piper, you will have a happy life when we get out. I have some money saved in a bank, enough for us to get away from here and buy a house. Enough so we can have our own life...together".

"That sounds great", I say as I grab her hand.

"Well I'm gonna leave before you two lesbos start making out", Nicky said as her and Morello left.

Me and Alex giggled at Nicky and headed towards the bunks too.

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