The New Inmate.

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I woke up with a huge smile on my face. I can't believe what happened, after everything I've done, Alex has forgiven me.

This morning I headed towards the canteen to get something to eat when suddenly I felt two hands cover my eyes.

"Who's that?" I giggled.

No answer.

"You'll have to guess." Alex said.

She released me and I turned to face her.

"Hi." Alex said as she smiled.

"Hi. You've had a shower?" I said pointing at her wet hair.

"Oh, yeah." Alex said running her hand through her hair.

"Shame I wasn't there."

We both headed towards the canteen when an orange jumpsuit caught our eye. It was a new inmate.

"Who's that?" I said pointing at her.

"I have no idea, let's go see", Alex said and we both headed towards the new inmate.

"Hi, you need help getting around?", Alex said tapping her shoulder.

"Uh, yes please. I don't know where the bunks are." The girl said as she turned around.

"Lolly?", I said in shock.

"Oh hey Chapman, fancy seeing you here! You know, this prison is amazing, the walls are so clean!"

"Lolly what are you doing here?"

"Ah y'know, I got transferred. I'm glad though! This place is so much better!" Lolly exclaimed.

"Not really", Alex mumbled.

"And you are?", lolly said extending out her hand.

"Alex Vause", she replied.

"So lolly do you need help getting around or?..."

"Uh yeah sure! Can you show me where the bunks are?"

"Uh, yeah okay follow us, we'll show you." Alex muttered as she turned around and headed towards the bunks.

There was a few awkward a seconds of silence when we got to the bunks.

"So yeah, this is your bunk. Alex you coming?", I asked.

"Yeah, sure. Bye...uh?", Alex said as she raised her eyebrows at the girl.

"Lolly." She said with a smile.

"Oh yeah that's it, bye Lolly" Alex said and I smiled.

"Alex il catch up in a minute".

"Okay, il wait at your bunk."

"Lolly, are you pissed at me because of what happened in Chicago?", I asked her.

"Well...I was but, just forget about it Chapman. It's all good."

"Okay, well see you around".

I got to my bunk and took a seat on the bed next to where Alex was.

"You want to listen to some music?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure."

"Just grab the earphones for me Al."

"Okay", Alex said as she smiled.

I used to call her Al all the time and it just slipped out. We put in one earphone each and put on a song. I rested my head back against the wall and listened to the lyrics.

I always feel better when I'm with Alex. No matter where we are, she always made me feel safe. I felt Alex's head rest on my shoulder and I took her hand in mine. We both led side by side on the tiny bed and fell asleep.

Hours passed. I lifted my head off the pillow and propped myself up, trying not to wake Alex. Everyone was in the canteen for breakfast.

"So Chapman, you and Alex okay?"
Nicky asked.

"Yeah, yeah I guess we are", I replied.

"Huh. So where's she now?"

"Oh you know, she's uh, in my bed.
Asleep." I said nervously.

"Ah, I see. So did you-"

"No Nicky we didn't", I interrupted.

Nicky smirked and raised her eyebrows. There was an awkward pause. My face suddenly lit up as Alex walked in. She joined the queue and turned her head. When we made eye contact she smiled showing her perfect teeth. I turned my head back towards Nicky and she had a huge grin on her face.
I could say my life was perfect right now. Well, excluding the part that I'm still in here.
When I get out, I'd just like to start a new life, with Alex.

She took a seat down next to me.


"Sup Vause", Nicky said.

"Hi", I said.

"So, you heard about Pensatucky?" Nicky asked.


"No why? What's happened?", I asked.
Not that I was even interested.

"Well, I heard she and Big Boo are....a thing."

Me and Alex burst out laughing.
"What?! That phsyco homophobe is a lesbian? Your fucking kidding me!" I laughed.

Alex was in fits of laughter, she couldn't talk.

"Hey! That's what I heard. And you know, she's cut her hair short and she's becoming a bit of a butch".

"That doesn't mean she's a lesbian! I got put into the SHU for 'lesbian activity' because of her! And we were only dancing!"

"That was a good day though", Alex laughed.

Alex smiled and started singing.
Me and and Nicky laughed but then joined in. All three of us stood up and began dancing at our table. Taystees group saw us and joined in too.

"Damn right, it's better than yours I can teach you, but I have to charge, my milk-"

"INMATES! Stop singing! Now get out! Breakfast is over", Bennet yelled.

We all giggled and got up ready to head to our jobs. As we walked out, I wrapped my arm around Alex's waist.

"I missed you Alex".

"I missed you too".

She kissed my forehead and headed off to the laundry room.

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