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"Stella? What the hell?!", Alex shouted as she slammed the door.
Me and Alex quickly found our clothes and put them back on when the door swung open again.

"I'm pretty sure this isn't allowed", she said slyly, looking us up and down.
Me and Alex just stood in shock, not knowing what to do or say.

"Perhaps I should go and find Mr. Healy...", she said looking around her.

"Whatever, you don't have any proof", Alex said as she grabbed my wrist and lead me off toward the bathroom.

God I hate Stella so much. We were having a good time before she interrupted.

When we got to the bathroom, I went to the toilet and Alex stood outside waiting for me.

I heard footsteps entering the bathroom. It was Stella.

"What do you want?", Alex asked.

"Alex come on, why are you talking to me like that? You were real sweet to me a few days ago", Stella replied.

"Yeah well I don't know what I was thinking, but what I do know is I love Piper, now just stay away, please."

I love you too, I thought to myself.
My thoughts were disturbed by a loud bang and a cry.

I unlocked the door and ran out to see Alex lifting herself up off the floor, her hand was covering her eye.

"Shit Alex! What happened?"

"That little bitch just fucking punched me!"

"What the....."

Before I even finished, I was already running down the corridor behind Stella.

I dived onto her back and we both crashed to the floor. She turned around and punched me, causing my nose to bleed.

"You little bitch!"

With that, I stood up and kicked her in the ribs as hard as I could until Alex came behind me and pulled me away.

"Piper please don't, you'll go to max!", she cried.

"I don't care! I'm gonna finish her!!", I shouted.

Alex turned me around and hugged me tightly, stopping me from fucking killing her.

Stella was still on the floor, clutching the side of her ribs.

"Alex, you're eye..."

"I'll be fine...she doesn't hit that hard", she giggled.

"What will happen now? I'll be in the SHU for ages..."

"It was a fair fight, Stella will be in there for twice as long because she hit you and hit me..."

"Al, I'm scared", I cried.

"I won't let any body hurt you", she said.

We shared a long hug, that is until I was dragged away from Alex by a C.O.

"You're going to SHU inmate! You too Carlin, get up!"

Stella was being lifted up by a C.O and she was fighting back.

"Let me go! Piper did this! She kicked me!", Stella cried out.

"Yeah and you fucking punched Alex!", I yelled across to her.

Alex was quickly walking along side me, begging them not to take me to SHU. She tried grabbing my hand and pulling me away but a C.O grabbed her from behind.

"I love you Alex...", I said as I began to cry.

"I love you too Pipes..", Alex cried.

I was thrown into the back of the van and had a long, boring journey to SHU.

Eventually, I was locked into the familiar concrete room and I slumped down beside the wall.

I am so fucking stupid, why the fuck did I kick her, I mumbled to myself.

I don't really know where I'm going with this story...if you have any ideas for the next chapter I would love to hear them!

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