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I was resting in my bed when there was a knock on the door.

"Chapman?", mr. Healy said as he walked in.

"Oh, hi", I sighed with relief, I thought it was Alex.

"Are you feeling any better?"

He took a seat next to my bed and it was really uncomfortable. I've never really liked Healy. Especially since he put me in the SHU.

"I suppose so, my hand is still aching."

"Well we can get you some pain killers for that but I'm going to need to bring you back into camp".

I let out a sigh.


"Il give you some time to get back into your uniform, when you're ready there are some seats outside the door, il be back soon".

With that, he got up off the chair and sauntered off out of the room.

Going back to camp was the last thing I wanted to do. It was okay in here, there's a window where you can get an...average view of nature and, you get your food brought to you. This is like a 5 star hotel compared to camp.

I stood at the door and looked back at my comfy bed where I had been resting for a week.
I'll miss you, I said to myself.

Taking a seat outside the room I glanced around when my attention was drawn to the sound of footsteps coming around the corner. At first I thought it was Mr. Healy coming to get me but I saw the black hair.
It was Alex.

I completely ignored her and stared at the floor. She took a seat across from me and I could feel her eyes burning right through me.
I couldn't take the silence any longer.

"Why did you do it?", I asked sternly.

"Punch the wall or...?"

"Both. Why would you kiss her Alex? Why the fuck would you kiss her? And why did you fucking punch a wall?".

"I don't know Piper. She was flirting with me and I didn't realise she liked me like that until she kissed me. I feel like me and you are drifting apart, I mean you haven't really spoken to me a lot lately and she was just comforting me and-"

"Enough bullshit Alex. You didn't push her away. And I have been talking to you! I may have been moody but that's only because you two were getting close".

"Vause, Chapman? I'm going to take you back to camp now. You can continue your discussion in the van", Mr. Healy said standing at the exit.

Me and Alex both got up and I walked in front of her. I could feel her walking closely behind me.
We got into the van and we didn't say a word. I didn't want to look at her or even speak to her now.

The van journey was boring. It was silent the whole 15 minutes.

When we arrived at camp I quickly got out of the van and went straight to my bunk. When I got to my bunk I found Stella sitting on my bed.

"What the hell do you want?", I asked.

"Piper, I came here to apologise. I should never have kissed Alex. She was just being nice to me and she's the first person I've ever really got along with..."

"Stella, that's my girlfriend. I love her".

"I know I'm so sorry. I'm going to keep out of your way and I won't go near Alex again, I promise".

"Fine, goodbye".

I pointed towards the exit of my cube and faced away from her.

As she walked away she stopped at the door. I turned around and have her the 'get the fuck out' look.

"You're hotter, bye the way", Stella said as she gave me a wink and walked away. I couldn't help but smirk. Maybe, if I tried, I could seduce Stella to get back at Alex.
I led down on my bed with a huge smile on my face at the thought of my plan.

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