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1 month dragged by slowly. Nothing exciting really happened for me. I had gotten a job at a small cafe near my parents house. There was a girl who worked there too, I think she had a crush on me or something. She was always asking me to go out with her to all these different places. Fair enough she was hot, but I couldn't keep my mind off Alex.

Today was the day she would be released.

I spoke to her yesterday to double check and she is definitely getting released today, at 1 pm.

I begged my mom to let Alex stay with us just for a few weeks until we could afford our own place, she finally gave in and allowed it.

I sat at my dressing table and applied a bit of make up. I had to look good. I decided to go for something casual and simple so I picked out a white, baggy t-shirt and some black, ripped jeans.

As I made my way out of the house I became more and more excited. I couldn't wait to see her. Larry and Polly had moved into a new house together and I haven't heard off them since, thank god.

My mum let me borrow her car to pick up Alex today. She offered to come with me but I'd rather her not, she would make it so awkward.

I saved up some money from work, around $250, so I could take Alex shopping for some new clothes or what ever she wanted after I picked her up.

Parking up the car, I gazed ahead at Litchfield Prison.

I took a deep breath in and headed inside.

The waiting room was very quiet. The CO was giving me strange glances. Probably because she didn't know I had been released.

I tapped my phone on my leg nervously as I waited for Alex. Looking up at the clock, I saw it was exactly 1 o clock.

I stared at the gate, waiting for it to open, and it did.

I saw CO O'Niell walking out and I was confused, but then I heard footsteps behind him. He stepped to the side and there she was.

I jumped up off my seat and ran towards her, grinning from ear to ear.

"Alex!", I shouted excitedly as I pulled her in for a hug.

"Pipes! I'm so happy to see you, I'm so happy to be out!", she said.

We stood in the waiting room for a good few minutes just hugging.

"Should we go now?" I laughed.

"Yeah! Let's go!"

As soon as we got outside, Alex stopped and just stood there, looking up into the sky. I smiled at how happy she looked. She had been in there for three years and today she was finally released.

I grabbed her hand and led her towards the car.

"Babe what am I going to do about these?", Alex said pointing at her tatty clothes.

"Oh don't worry", I said as I grabbed the $250 and gave it to her.

"We're going shopping!", I sang.

When Alex came back.Where stories live. Discover now