Denial - Taehyun x Reader

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I glance off to the other side of the classroom seeing Taehyun talking with his friends. I smile to myself seeing him so happy talking to them as a hand suddenly waves in front of my face.

"Y/n?!? Hello?" Maggie questions as I quickly look away from Taehyun and meet with a glaring Maggie, "did you hear anything I just said?"

"Yes?" I answered with an embarrassed grin knowing Maggie caught me not listening to what she was saying while I was staring at Taehyun. Oh boy, I can feel the lecture coming on-

"Seriously Y/n, just tell him already! I'm surprised he hasn't noticed that you like him by now despite how obvious you are about it. The longer you wait the harder it's gonna get to tell him how you feel," Maggie says with a sigh.

"It's not that easy you know! And you know me, I hate confrontation. Especially with things like this," I mumble out the last part as she rolls her eyes with a sigh.

"If this keeps up, he'll never be anything more than a crush," she states truthfully.

"I know and I've accepted that already," I retorted as her eyes widened at the statement.

"What?!? And you're okay with continuing on this way?!?" She exclaims loudly causing some heads to turn as I hurriedly shush her, panicking.

"Not so loud!" I say as she huffs in response crossing her arms, "and yes, I'm completely fine." I pat her head affectionately with a smile although she tries to swat my hand away.

"I really don't get you sometimes, Y/n," Maggie sighs, making me chuckle in response.

I take the opportunity to change the subject not wanting to discuss this matter anymore, "let's just finish our lunch, hmm?"

Maggie is right that nothing will happen beyond just having the crush if I can't confess, but I just don't have that confidence yet. I need more time before I tell him. And most of all, I am scared of rejection. So just him staying as a friend and crush is fine with me. Maybe eventually I'll find the confidence in me to tell him but not right now.

*next day after school ends*

Maggie's POV

I lean against the wall near the gym entrance waiting for Beomgyu to show up so we discuss our plan to get Taehyun and Y/n together. We both know they have feelings for each other but are too afraid to admit it to each other so we're going to give them just a little push. I glance at my phone to see he's 5 minutes late, making me sigh heavily.

"Maggie!" An excited voice shouts from around the corner as I turn to see Beomgyu with a wide grin on his face.

"Finally! What took you so long?" I question only making Beomgyu smile wider if that was even possible.

"Just need to do something to make sure this plan will work!" Beom responds, doing a power pose obviously proud of himself.

"But we aren't planning on doing this until next week, right? What did you need to do?" I question, furrowing my eyebrows.

"N-Next week? Well...," he replies not being able to look me in the eyes.

"Beomgyu...what did you do?" I retort as he wiggles his eyebrows pointing finger guns at me.

"I just pushed up the date of our little plan to today!" He reasons pointing towards the gym storage closet where Taehyun was currently reorganizing the different colored cones as instructed by none other than Beomgyu.

"I'm sick of Taehyun trying to ignore his feelings just to stay friends since his dense self can't even tell that Y/n likes him," Beomgyu says with a pout, "Now call Y/n and tell you that you need some help. Say that some of the basketballs are missing for your practice and to see if she can find any."

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