Mr. Mystery - Huening Kai x Reader

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I lay under the stars that shimmer against the dark night sky. My fingers fiddle with the leaves that dangle on the ruby red rose that lays in my hands. The stem's normal thorns are cut off to make it safe to hold as if intended to give to someone. The longer I stare at it, the more unreal it feels on how this rose was given to me.

*A Few Hours Ago*

I take a deep breath and head out the door not being able to handle being stuck inside anymore. The past two days I've spent inside drafting my book that has a deadline soon. The dark circles under my eyes show that but I can't ask for an extension so I'll just have to fight through it. The fresh air will help clear my mind before going back to finish it.

I pull my jacket closer to my body as a cool wind passes through the area. I let my mind be blank as I steadily walk down the sidewalk. The buildings near my apartment are attached to one another creating a block of buildings. Little alleyways existed in between the buildings in order to have a place to store the building's trash, the only reason why there were even windows in the apartment complexes, even if it gave a view of a brick wall. The cars driving down the streets pass by in my ear, in and out inconsistently, just as the headlights disappear from my view within seconds.

"Watch out!" A voice shouts from behind but I react too late as my body hits the nearby brick wall harshly. I let out a grunt of pain from the impact and looked up to see the one who ran into me fading from view. What the h*ll?

I dust myself off trying to ignore the slight throb of pain in my shoulder and turn around to leave, not wanting to deal with whatever that guy may be running from when I'm met face to face with a man who wears a black mask. It only covered enough for you not to be able to tell who he is under it if you saw him without it. I feel my feet freeze as everything inside me tells me to run, to hide, to do anything but stand there like an idiot as I am right now.

"Where did he go?" His voice comes out as a low whisper, his eyes never leaving you.

"T-That way," I stutter out pointing towards where the man ran off.

The masked man nods just when he's about to walk off, he stops in his tracks. I watch closely as he turns around with a small smile on his face.What is it now? Has he decided to take me with him? Just why is this guy dressed like this? Am I going to be kidnapped-

"As a thank you," the man says softly, pulling a ruby red rose from his inner coat pocket leaving me utterly speechless. What is he thanking me for? For telling him where the other guy went? I guess so.

"Oh, you're welcome," I barely manage to get out before his boots pound against the pavement sprinting after the man who bumped into me earlier. I glance down at the rose and hold the petals gently in my hand. What just happened?


Just why did he give this to me? He really should've just chased after the guy, there is no point to this rose-

"Finally found you my rose," a voice says behind me making me scream from the sudden presence before a gloved hand covers my mouth.

"Stop screaming please," he says, staring at me with pleading eyes, "I'm not here to hurt you, I don't have a bad bone in my body I swear."

I'm left speechless for a second from seeing him again. Is he here to take me now? Just gave me the rose to find me again? No, if he really wanted to he would have done it yesterday, right? I let out a sigh trying to wrap my mind around the situation and signal him that he can move his hand.

"I won't scream, just tell me how- why did you find me again?" I question as a heavy sigh escapes him. He sits down next to me looking over at me as the same mask from the other day covers his face.

"This will sound insane but," he pauses before glancing over at me, "the guy from yesterday stole something precious to me which is why I was chasing him. It was this."

He carefully lifts up a necklace that has a charm with only half a heart. I stare at the necklace as a loud gasp escapes me. Wait- I look down at the necklace around my neck that I've kept on for years from my childhood friend. I stare at the heart and trace the outline of charm before looking at him again.

"K-Kai?" I whisper out as he smiles so brightly it's almost blinding.

"Yes," he says, connecting his charm with mine.

He removes the black mask revealing the boy I had a crush on for the longest time as a child before he moved away. And I thought I'd never see you again. In my rush of emotions I tackle him in a hug as he laughs loudly, the laugh I missed so much. I have so many questions but I'm more happy to have you in my arms.

"I've missed you so much," I barely manage to say without breaking out into tears.

"I've missed you more Y/n," he responds gently rubbing my back in the hug, "I gave you that rose so I could find you again. I couldn't let you go again, I refuse to let you go now."

"I promise to never leave again Kai," I say sweetly smiling as he chuckles in my ear.

"That makes me feel even better," he whispers softly and pulls out of the hug to look me right in the eyes, "and I know just how to seal the promise."

"How?" I ask, searching his eyes for an answer. Just what are you thinking Kai?

"Like this," he says leaning forward before planting a short sweet kiss on my lips so quickly I couldn't do anything.

I feel my face burn from just the small kiss as he smiles sheepishly. I can only stare wide-eyed at the boy, no man in front of me that I hadn't seen for years. Is this a dream?

"This isn't a dream, Y/n," he says with a playful grin.

"Did I say that out loud?" I whisper to myself as he manages to hear it and breaks out into another fit of laughter.

"Yes," he cackles, "you're still as cute as ever."

"Oh shut up," I retorted, "and what's with this get up anyways? The mask and...everything?"

"Ah," he says, avoiding my eyes, a tint of pink painting his cheeks, "I was actually coming home from a birthday party for a boy I know. It was a favor I owed and then, well you know what happened next."

I snort, "so then why did you wear it again today?"

"I wanted to be mysterious," he says with a cute pout on his lips as I squish his cheeks, "I was, wasn't I?"

"Yes you scared me half to death. Now let's go Mr. Mystery," I say, reaching out for his hand as he takes mine gently, "it's late and we both need sleep."

"Whatever you wish," he says, planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

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