Neighbor - Beomgyu x Reader

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I swing my feet lightly as I sit on the bench on my porch, staring up at the baby blue sky that's slowly becoming a dark gray from clouds snuffing out the sun, the signs of possible rain showers approaching. I should probably go inside soon. I'm about to get up not wanting to get caught up in the rain until I notice my neighbor Beomgyu riding his bike around with a look of pain that made me want to comfort him. What's wrong? I hesitate in whether I should just go inside without saying anything about the possible rain to him or trying to get his attention to warn him of the coming rain and at the same time ask what's bothering him. My indecision only gives the clouds more time to close in and prove my gut feeling of rain coming right, leaving only a single stream of sunlight peeking through the clouds. I sigh quietly to myself knowing that I can't just let this guy get sick if he were to get caught under the rain especially because I would blame myself the entire time for his suffering.

With that, I leapt off the bench in an attempt to spot the long-haired guy but he was nowhere in sight. His mullet always seemed to stand out to me but I couldn't help it when it suited him so well. We only ever hung out as kids but now we barely even speak a single word to each other unless forced. But I guess that's partially my fault since when I hit puberty I got so insecure that I avoided him for a little while thinking I wasn't pretty enough to be in his presence. Plus it didn't help that I had a small crush on him and that made me even more self conscious around him. I should apologize to him for avoiding him if it's not too late when I get the chance. But when I tried to talk to him at the start of high school, he avoided me in return so I guess I got what I deserved for treating him that way. Ah! Stop thinking so much about the past and focus on the matter at hand! I genuinely don't want him to get sick.

I sprint down my sidewalk connecting to the road to see if I can spot him anywhere but as the last of the sun hides behind the clouds, it's harder to see farther away. I curse under my breath as I begin to jog down the road in hopes of spotting the biking boy. Why now when I seek you out are you so hard to find?

When five minutes pass with no sign of him, I feel an internal throbbing like my heart is being stomped on over and over again. Maybe it's meant to be this way. He probably doesn't want to talk to or see me again after I avoided him anyway. A single drop of water landed on my cheek and I couldn't tell if it was the rain or a possible tear. I look up to the sky to see it's a charcoal gray as rain begins to sprinkle down hitting the pavement. There's no avoiding the rain now. I guess this is the universe telling me to give up because the rain has come.

I hold out my hands as a little pool of water begins to form in it. I smile a little at the feeling of the rain pattering against my hands before deciding I should head back home. With heavy steps, I walk back at a slow steady pace with my own tears flowing down my cheeks this time. Thankfully the rain can hide my tears. I mentally thank the rain for the kind gesture and take in the peaceful moment.

"Hey! What are you doing out here!?" I jumped from the sudden shout, turning around to see Beomgyu hop off his bike making his way towards me with furrowed eyebrows. Now he shows up? Why now when I'm crying? I quickly turn away and wipe the stray tears before turning back to see his face inches from mine. I feel my breath hitch from the closeness as I hesitantly take a step back not able to handle being that close to him right now.

I open my mouth to speak but no words seem to escape. The initial shock of actually seeing him up close after all these years of avoiding one another leads to my silence, "are you really going to stand out here in the rain? You'll get sick you idiot! Hop on or if you really hate me go ahead and get sick with a fever. I don't care."

"Wait!" I say before even registering what I'm saying seeing him get back on his bike as he cocks an eyebrow, "I don't hate you," I mutter the last part under my breath feeling fear begin to swallow me whole, but I can't leave him thinking I hate him.

"I didn't catch that," he says as the rain begins to fall down harder against the road creating a constant rumble making it harder to hear one another.

"I don't hate you! I never hated you!" I exclaim as the emotions take control, wanting him to understand and not think for a second longer I ever hated him, "I started avoiding you in middle school because I got insecure. You're a very handsome guy who deserves the world and I didn't want you to be embarrassed by hanging out with someone like me!"

I can't bear to look up from the ground because that meant I'd have to look at him and I was too afraid of what he'd say in response. I nervously played with my fingers feeling a slight tension in the air until his next words.

"You idiot," he says as I hear his bike fall to the ground and his feet splashing in the tiny puddles as he makes his way over to me. Just what is he doing? He's not...leaving?

"Idiot?" I question glancing up as he rests his hands on my cheek with a grin on his face.

"I thought you hated me but from what you just said it sounds like you really liked me all this time, hmm?" he asks sweetly, twirling a strand of my soaked hair sweetly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I retorted, feeling my cheeks burn in embarrassment trying to deny the truth.

"Admit it," he says with a cheeky grin, "or else I'll just have to kiss you."


I'm cut off by gentle lips against mine, shutting me up. I stare wide-eyed as he pulls away, only giving a short peck with a sly smile at my expression, "now let's go home before it starts thundering."

I'm speechless as he grabs my hand gently and interlocks my fingers with his. I guess we both accept the fact that we'll be catching a cold the next day but neither of us seem to care. He picks up his bike and holds it in his other hand while we walk along the road back towards our homes.

Maybe I admit I did have a little more than a small crush on him back then but I never thought I would ever admit it to him, especially now. But now, with his help I hope that I can be confident by his side. I'll work to become worthy to be by his side, I'll never hurt you again like I did before even if it wasn't intentional.

I glance over to Beomgyu who looks back at me with a genuine smile that I can't help but smile in return. And here I thought that he would never speak or even look at me again. You really are an amazing person Choi Beomgyu.

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