The Perfect Summer Romance - Soobin x Reader; Pt 2

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The crackle of the fire with the sounds of people chatting in the background filled the comfortable silence between Soobin and I. Our marshmallow skewers hover over the fire in order to get a nice char to them. I watch intently as the edges of the marshmallow begin to turn a golden brown that makes a smile appear on my face, excited to eat it. But a sudden arm wrapping around my shoulder causes me to lose my grip on the skewer. It immediately falls into the pit of fire and turns to a crisp, completely unretrievable. A pout pulls at my lips seeing the once edible marshmallow turn into a burnt up shrivel of what once was marshmallow.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you," Soobin rambles, feeling heat rising to his ears in embarrassment, "I was trying to- that's not what I meant to happen from doing that."

Heat rises to my own cheeks at his small confession of flirting with me in a way, "uh- it's alright. Please don't worry about it."

I wave off his worries but my eyes can't help but stare longingly at the marshmallow as I was so excited for it. But when I turn my gaze to Soobin his face lights up before moving his skewer towards me, "how about we share? It's the least I can do."

My heart skips a beat as my mind wanders to the possibility of him feeding me but I quickly shake the thought away, "if it's okay with you-"

"Yes!" He says with a giant grin feeling proud of himself for this solution he came up with and I couldn't help but smile right back at him. His happiness is so contagious.

Soobin carefully grabs one of the marshmallows and gently blows on it. He leans down when putting it in my hand and I feel myself grow flustered as he comes closer.

"Careful," he whispers right next to my ear, sending a shiver down my spine from how close he is, "it might be hot."

I can only give him a nod in reply feeling too flustered to form any words in response to his warning. Luckily for my heart he moves back a few inches to eat his own marshmallow. I don't waste any time and pop mine into my mouth, melting at the gooey texture. The sweet taste with the slight char adding just the right touch. Could this marshmallow be any more perfect?

I couldn't help but think of Soobin when thinking of perfect. Even from just this small meeting, I feel a strong connection with him and want to explore that. I find my eyes trailing back up to him only to find him already staring at me. I divert my eyes quickly with the feeling of butterflies flying around in my stomach erupting from the simple eye contact. He really has me wrapped around his finger, this guy. Just what is he doing to me and my heart?

"Was it good?" He questions intertwining his hand in mine again and it left something like a pleasant tingling throughout my entire body. I just feel giddy.

"Absolutely perfect," I mutter back as he chuckles with a cute grin and eyes I wish I could stare into forever.


Soobin and I couldn't seem to help but to share small conversations of interests, hobbies, passions, etc. when returning to the log by the fire. I was so enthralled by him that I didn't even realize how much time had passed until Alice brought me back to reality, "Y/n! It's already midnight! We need to get going."

"Midnight?" I gasp out and look at my watch to see what Alice was saying is true.Where did all the time go? It's going to be time for curfew soon.

I turn to Soobin, a feeling of disappointment bubbles up in me, sad that our time together has to come to an end, "I'm sorry, but I really have to go."

I start to walk away from him towards Alice feeling my heart begin to ache at the thought of not seeing him again but his hand grabbing mine stops me.

"Wait!" He says and quickly turns me to face him as he wears a shy grin, "could I at least get your number? I want to keep talking to you." Me? He wants my number? I don't think a guy has ever asked for my number. My face heats up feeling completely flustered, not expecting this outcome especially when I thought coming out tonight would be such an annoyance.

I nod my head and take out my phone, opening my contacts so he can put his number in. He grins widely at this and puts in his number excitedly before calling himself with my phone to get my number, "thank you."

"I guess then," I start with a shy grin, "I'll see you soon?"

"Very soon," Soobin says, giving me a wink, letting go of my hand trapped in his. My face heats up from the simple action and I nod once again not knowing what else to say. I quickly turn around taking my leave but can't help glancing back once or twice to see Soobin standing there so cutely, waving goodbye.

But Alice dragging me towards the car grabs my attention fully, "girl! You have to tell me everything! Down to the last detail-"

"It's not that big a deal, nothing really happened," I cut her off with a roll of my eyes but her hands squish my face together making me whine.

"Cut the crap. I need to know everything. Every. Single. Detail," she states with a small glare that makes my chuckle, swatting her hands away from my face.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you want," I say chuckling but the grin on her face shows how excited she is to hear about it, "But you have to tell me about Beomgyu too then!"

"I was going to anyway! Whether you liked it or not," She exclaims triumphantly, making me laugh.

I guess it wasn't so bad going out tonight.

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