My Knight - Taehyun x Reader

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I stare into the mirror gazing at the royal blue ball gown hugging my curves before it gracefully falls onto the small hoop skirt on my waist. My hands gently run along the material of the dress as a soft sigh escapes me. I hate gowns, truly who gave someone the idea that these were the formal wear for women. I frown feeling that I wasn't meant for the life of a princess. Knowing how much I hated the appearance of looking royal from the heels to the ridiculous gowns like this one. I shudder slightly when beginning to think about the future as someone's queen. I'll probably have to wear something like this every day.

I shake my head at the thought, not wanting to spiral into a bad state of mind before this large event. The most important ball of the year for my father, where all the other kingdoms come together to discuss business. What that business is, I have no idea but I know it's very important to my father.

"The ball will begin soon Princess, we should get going," the maid says gesturing towards the door. I smile politely at her nodding and head towards my bedroom door. Let's get this over with as quickly as possible.


I meet my father and mother at the stairs before they announce our entrance to the ballroom. My mother smiled and pulled me into her arms.

"You look stunning, are you ready sweetheart?" My mother, the Queen, asks sweetly. She gently runs her hands up and down my arms comfortingly waiting for me to answer.

I quietly nod my head to ease her own nerves, "never better."

"That's my girl," my father says, giving my shoulder a small pat, making me smile. Even if I hated these balls, I'd do anything for them. My father gives the signal to the guards who open the doors to the ballroom. The sound of the ballroom doors makes everyone become so silent you could hear a pin drop. Only a soft murmuring is heard as people gawk and stare at us. Another reason I hate balls.

"King and Queen L/n," the announcer proclaims, "and their daughter Y/n!"

We descend the stairs as the orchestra plays a grand tune to our entrance. Isn't this a little over the top? But still I politely smile during our entrance knowing this is an important night. And when finally reaching the floor of the ballroom, the crowd goes back to its normal energetic self. Nobody has begun dancing yet, which means I'm safe from having to dance. I sigh quietly in relief at this and tolerate the polite greetings to different royals who came to greet us at the stairs.

"Oh! Princess Y/n, you must have met my son Chan!" The Queen of Darling says subtlety pushing her son towards me who seems disinterested. Same here, buddy.

"No I haven't, it's very nice to meet you Prince Chan," I say, giving a small curtsy as he bows in return.

"I'll leave you two to talk," the Queen of Darling exclaims with excitement before heading back into the crowd. Yet when I look back to the spot her son was in just a second ago, he's gone off towards another part of the crowd. I chuckle softly knowing he was just uninterested as me.

An arm gently nudges mine and I glance to the side to see Taehyun, my personal guard or as I like to call him, my knight.

"Another suitor, hmm?" He asks softly but I only roll my eyes at his question.

"He's even less interested than me," I giggle, finally getting a good look at Taehyun for the first time tonight. Wow. I can't help it when my eyes quickly scan his body to see him adorned in a suit that you would imagine princes in books to wear. He looks so handsome. I silently thank my maid for the makeup she caked on my face as it hides the blush blossoming on my cheeks from his appearance.

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