Guitar Boy - Beomgyu x Reader

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I lean against the lockers near the music room and listen to the guitar being played softly. I really want to find out who this is, but I don't wanna have to hold an awkward conversation. Who wants to be like, "omg ur playing was amazing, what's your name?" No, no, way too forward for my taste. I'll just be an anonymous listener to the guitar player.

I pull out my book as I read drift into a world of fantasy while listening to the strings of the guitar being played. I get lost in time and space before gasping when glancing at the time on my phone. Shoot! I'm gonna be late and I can't miss the bus!

I hop up quickly grabbing everything as I speed walk towards the exit. You idiot, you better walk fast! You better not miss your ride home!

Beomgyu's POV

I exit the music room after finishing practicing only to see a girl walking fast towards the doorway. She heads straight through the door without looking back, not noticing her scarf falling off from around her neck. My eyes widen as I pick it up, exiting the building to see where she went but it seems she's nowhere in sight.

I sigh before glancing down at the lilac purple scarf, "I wonder what she was doing here in the first place...I'll just try and find her, and return it to her tomorrow."

Great idea, but did you even get a glimpse of her face? You don't even know who she is. Ah, stupid Beomgyu...

*The Next Day*

Your POV

Where did I put it?!? I swear I wore it yesterday and on my way home- oh no, wait I didn't have it on the bus ride. I groan as the realization hits me all too late. Say goodbye to your favorite scarf Y/n.

"What's got you all moaning and groaning?" My best friend, Hoseok, questions as I sigh heavily.

"I left my scarf somewhere yesterday and I have literally no idea where it is! I didn't even get to say goodbye to it," I pout as Hoseok just chuckles ruffling my hair.

"I'm sure it'll show up soon," he says as I nod in response with puffed cheeks, deciding to focus on my classwork and try to stop thinking about the scarf as it won't affect my future like school will.

Beomgyu's POV

I tap my pencil against my paper trying to think of the right wording for this sentence when I happen to overhear a conversation from the table behind me. I smile a little as I continue my work. Luckily I found you, scarf girl but just how am I supposed to return it?

Your POV

I smile as I look forward to listening to the person who plays the guitar at the end of the day. I want to destress from this whole scarf situation.


I turn around to see a guy with black hair in a mullet with white highlights walking towards me, "um, yes?"

"Is this yours?" He says taking a lilac scarf out of his bag as my heart skips a beat in pure joy.

"Yes! I've been looking for it all day!" I exclaim, jumping up and down. I blush in embarrassment realizing the scene I'm making when other students turn to look at me. I cleared my throat not being able to look him in the eyes, "thanks for returning it."

"No problem but you should keep better track of your things," he says, giving my arm a playful punch as I awkwardly chuckle.

"Y-Yes I know," I say, feeling my cheeks burning bright red.

"Well I have to go practice my guitar so maybe I'll see you around," he says with a smile before heading off towards the music room. Wait so he's the one always playing- omg and he's cute! Wait what am I even saying?!?

I wave timidly at him as he enthusiastically waves back. Maybe getting to know the guitar boy won't be impossible.

*One Month Later*

Never mind, it's impossible! I can't even manage to say hello normally! I groan leaning against the lockers beginning to hear the soft playing of the guitar. I guess I'll just stay the anonymous listener to his guitar playing since I can't seem to ever hold proper conversations- wait he stopped. Why did he- oh no!

I quickly try to run around the corner and hide but a hand leans against the locker stopping me from leaving, "scarf girl, what brings you here?"

I awkwardly laugh looking anywhere but his eyes, "funny you should ask because I was just on my way out-"

His finger pushes against my lips making my face heat up, "don't tell me lies cutie."

What did he just say?!?

I can't even process it as my hand moves to caress my cheek, "I've seen you attempting to talk to me and I must admit you're very cute." Why is he so forward?!?

I look away trying to deny the statement but my face turns a bright red, betraying me, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh really? Then did you also just happen to be here while I was playing the guitar?" He questions inching closer to my face as the only feeling I feel right now is flustered.

"Y-Yes," I stutter out although I know he doesn't believe it. What to do- what to do- no other decision but to run.

With that, I sprint away from him into another hallway of the school hearing his footsteps behind me. Why is he following me? Ugh! I take a few turns and arrive at the stairs leading to the first floor as I race down them.

"Sh*t!" I curse as my toe gets caught on a step and I get ready for impact to only be met with nothing. I squint my eyes open to see the guitar boy gently holding me up from landing first face onto the ground.

"You sure are clumsy," he mutters out as I roll my eyes.

"What do you want?" I finally say having had enough of his teasing, "you've already teased me enough haven't you? I mean come on how many times are you-"

I'm cut off as his lips press against mine making my eyes go wide. Wtf- I feel my face flush at the simple kiss as he pulls away with a smug smirk.

"I like you."

"You're lying," I mumble with a pout as he chuckles, shaking his head. He finally sets me upright so I'm standing once again.

"I know you've been listening to me play almost every day after school for a while now," he states nonchalantly as my eyes go wide.

"That's so embarrassing," I whine covering my face with my hands as he chuckles, grabbing my hands in his uncovering my face.

"Actually I find it quite endearing but I only noticed it after I sometimes caught you staring at me in the halls," he says with a smirk.

"I think I'm gonna pass out," I mutter out loud.

"If you do I'll catch you," he flirts as I feel my cheeks burn again.

"Not funny," I say as I puff out my cheeks in embarrassment.

"Kinda funny," he retorts as I glare at him.

"Get to the point or I'm leaving-"

"Fine, fine," he says, pulling me closer so that his face is only inches away from mine, "I wanted to ask you out on a date to get to know you better."

My eyes widened, "a-are you sure you aren't confusing me with someone?"

"Yes or no?" He continues as he notices me trying to not answer.

"Y-Yes, okay?" I finally manage to get out as he chuckles pecking my cheek.

"Here's my number then, text me when you're free," he whispers into my ear before strolling off with that same smug smirk on his face. I didn't even get his name- ugh guitar boy you're gonna be the death of me.

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