Fake Friend - Beomgyu x Reader

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"Will you please tell me who you like?" my friend, Summer, asks for the tenth time, beginning to test my patience. 

"Summer, please," I beg for the last time but she just continues to whine, making me groan. I sigh quietly to myself feeling a headache coming on from her constant nagging. Hopefully if I tell her she'll stop asking me about it.

"Come on, let me be your wing woman!" She says with a bright smile that it makes me feel guilty if I didn't tell her now, but my gut contradicts my mind telling me that this will end badly if I do this. It should be fine, right? She's my friend, I can trust her.

"Fine," she squeals as I narrow my eyes at her, "but you must promise not to tell anyone."

"I swear I won't," she says, linking her pinky with mine for a pinky promise. It's fine, my gut has been wrong before. Summer has never broken my trust before so I don't think she would do it now.

I hesitate for a second, "It's Beomgyu," I whisper to her and she gasps with a large grin.

"Oh he's cute!" She says giving me a playful shove and I feel my cheeks heat up from just admitting it out loud. I hope this was a good idea.

"So will you actually help me?" I ask but try not to get my hopes up knowing it's a lot to ask.

"Of course!" She says with a squeal making me chuckle, "I'll start working my magic right away to get him to look your way."


It's been a week since I've told Summer that and it feels like things are worse than they were. She stopped hanging out with me almost completely and has been all over Beomgyu consistently. I glance over to the other side of the lunchroom with a frown seeing Summer who is clearly flirting with Beomgyu, hovering over his shoulder as he talks to her. Although he barely looks back at her, almost looking uninterested but then again it could be my mind trying to trick me into believing he would actually like me, not Summer. I should've trusted my gut. I shake my head in disappointment but only in myself for believing that she would actually help me. I'm such a fool. I shouldn't have told her anything and now I'm not even sure if she's still my friend at this point. What kind of a friend ditches you for a guy, and a guy who you like at that.

Not wanting to eat or even see the scene playing in front of me anymore, I exit the lunchroom with a heavy heart, throwing away my food. The feeling of betrayal cutting deep into my heart as I feel the familiar tightening in my chest whenever I feel like crying. I quickly wiped my eyes trying to stop any tears from escaping or forming but it seems it only made it worse. This is so stupid, I shouldn't even be crying. He isn't even into me to begin with. I curse under my breath when my cheeks get wet from stray tears. My feet move faster wanting to be out of sight of everyone, getting further into the hallway until a hand grabs my arm pulling me into a nearby classroom.

I scream, panicking not knowing who or what just grabbed me but a hand quickly covers my mouth, "shh! I promise I'm not some psycho killer."

I nod silently feeling scared and glance back to see who or what it is, only for my eyes to widen in surprise seeing who it was, "B-Beomgyu? What are you doing?"

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't know how else to talk to you, especially when Summer feels like she's been following me everywhere lately," Beomgyu explains with a long sigh. Why does he want to see me?

"Yeah, she seems to like hanging out with you a lot more than me lately," I say, avoiding his gaze as he searches my eyes for something. What that was, I had no idea but his gaze continued to linger on my face.

"Would you happen to know anything about that?" He asks leaning closer, trapping me between him and the door. I chuckle nervously, looking up to meet Beomgyu's eyes and immediately regretting it. Why does he have to look so handsome when just staring at me?

My thoughts become all jumbled and clouded with just thoughts of him. My heart starts doing flips from the close proximity between us. Why is he so close?

"Nope," I lie through my teeth but my heart begs me to just confess my feelings, "I really have no idea."

"Really?" He asks innocently, lifting up his hand as I watch closely, seeing his finger gently trail along my jaw with a slight smirk, "that's such a shame because I was hoping you could tell me. Are you really sure?"

Heat rises in my cheek from the simple gesture, the feeling alone leaving butterflies in my stomach, "uh- I-"

"Mhm?" He eggs me on with a slight smirk, now gently holding my chin between his fingers to make me look into his eyes.

"Maybe I know something," I confess quietly but loud enough for him to hear, diverting my eyes from him. He chuckles cutely that makes my heart feel like it's leaping out of my chest from how he could be so hot and cute in one moment.

He says nothing, making me anxious thinking I've said something wrong but when I look back at him he's already looking at me with a sweet expression, "is that why you were crying earlier?"

I stare at him wide-eyed not knowing he saw me crying, but part of my heart beats just a bit faster from the question. He cares, he noticed I was upset even.

"I didn't realize you saw me," I mumble out feeling embarrassment begin to creep in.

"It's because I followed you when I saw you left the lunchroom," he says lightly brushing his thumb against my lips, "I was worried."

He was worried? When did he even notice me leaving?

"For me?" I question softly and he nods. We look into each other's eyes for who knows how long but only when Beomgyu begins to lean in do I snap out of my daze. He gently caresses my bottom lip with his thumb, his own lips stopping inches from mine. The feeling leaves my mind blank, hazy from just the simple touch.

"May I?" He asks, looking right into my eyes as I nod without hesitation, intoxicated by him and his touch.

He smiles widely and immediately connects his lips with mine after gaining consent. My stomach erupts into butterflies from just the feeling of his lips against mine. His lips were soft and gentle as he kissed me, conveying everything that I'd been missing all the signals for. I reciprocated by kissing back with the same amount of love and gentleness. He smiles into the kiss at this before pulling away, smiling even wider than before.

"So you do like me," he whispers teasingly with a grin, his forehead resting against mine.

"Yeah," I whisper back, "I've liked you for a long time."

"Glad the feeling is mutual then," he says, stealing a peck from my lips one more time before finally moving more than a few inches away from my face. He starts getting his stuff as my mind finally starts processing things again.

"Wait," he pauses gathering his things and looks to me curiously waiting for my question, "so you don't like Summer?"

He shakes his head and looks into my eyes with a smile, taking my hands into his, "it's always been you, Y/n."

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