Nightmare with Blanc/Date with Noir (Chapter 3)

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I found myself running again, breathing heavy as a white feline pounded behind me on all fours. He seemed much faster this time, catching up to me easily.

"Marinette, why run? You know there's no point!" He snarled from behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist and lifting me up to him against his chest. I flailed, trying hard to hit him. He had a tight grip, however, keeping me in place.

"Chat Noir! Stop, please, you're not in the right mind!" I pleaded with him, craning my neck so I could see his face. He growled, and flipped me around, so that our front were pressed up against each other. He kept his tight grip on my waist.

"Ma belle, I've told you, it's Chat Blanc now," he murmured, flicking his bell. "Or, if you so desire, Chaton." I shuddered, upset that the one nickname I had for Chat had somehow made its way into my nightmare and into the mouth of Chat Blanc. He smirked at my discomfort, and pushed me against a nearby wall.

"Oh, Princesse, what's wrong? Don't you want to call me Chaton?" He mocked me as he grabbed my legs, wrapping them around himself. He brushed his sharp claws through my hair, breaking the hair tie. He brought his hand back down, and tipped my chin up to redirect my avoiding gaze to him.

"You're all mine, chérie." He grinned maliciously, and I closed my eyes tightly. I could almost feel his breath on my lips as he leaned in to kiss me, as I shot up from the nightmare. I panted heavily, dropping my head into my hands. A tear ran down my face to the tip of my nose, dropping onto my bed sheet. I had finally thought these nightmares would be over as I spent more time with Chat Noir, and the encounter with Blanc had drawn farther away. However, they had gotten so much worse. The dreams became more realistic. The chase got shorter, and the image of Chat Blanc sharpened.

Trying to be considerate of Tikki, who was sleeping peacefully, I lay back down and closed my eyes, focusing on breathing deeply and slowly. I knew Chat Noir had his own life, and his own responsibilities, but as I drifted off again, he was on my mind, as I wished for him to be here with me.


"Tikki, what should I wear?"

It was finally time for Chat and I's movie night, to watch classic films and eat junk to our heart's content. I had kept the past few nightmares to myself, not needing or wanting to bother him over and over again.

"You should wear something comfortable, Marinette," she exclaimed, holding up pajama shorts. I looked at her, laughing.

"Tikki, I love you, but those shorts go right up my ass."

"I know," she replied as she threw them to me. I rolled my eyes, but took them along with a long sleeved shirt. I quickly changed, brushing my hair and teeth.

By the time I came out of the bathroom, the sun was starting to set ("Why do you take forever to get ready?" Tikki commented blatantly) I made a trip downstairs to grab a few things, mentioning I was having a little movie marathon to my parents as a tip not to bother me, and set up a sort of nest on my bed with the blankets. I stood with my hands on my hips, scanning the area. There was a quiet knock on the trapdoor, and I climbed up the ladder to greet Chat. I stuck the top half of my body out, glancing up at him. There he stood, bowing slightly with a red rose in his hand.

"Good evening Princesse," Chat said, smiling. He held the rose out a little further, and I smiled. I grabbed it from him with a quiet 'thank you.'

"I see you learned some manners. Knocking and all." He grinned sheepishly.

"Ah, well, this is a special night. Don't think I'll make a habit of knocking." I rolled my eyes as he grabbed my hand and laid a kiss on my knuckles.

"Would you like to come in, or just stand there all night?" He laughed and nodded, hopping down after I ducked back inside. Landing on the blanket nest, he circled on it. I chuckled at his antics as he finally sat down cross legged.

"Look at this! You did a good job." I smiled and thanked him. "Are you ready to get started?"

"Hell yea," I answered. He motioned for me to come closer. I lay down next to him on my stomach, just enough so I could see the laptop screen. I snagged the popcorn, and we started our movie.

Halfway through, we were eating our snacks and watching the screen intently. At least, I had thought so. I was deep into the movie when I felt clawed hands run down my back, stopping right before where the swell of my ass started. I glanced over at him, but he kept his eyes trained to the screen. I slowly moved my attention back to the movie, but two seconds later his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He closed the gap between us. I looked back at him again, but this time, he looked back.

"You look beautiful tonight, chérie," he murmured. I blushed, but smiled at him. Leaning into his shoulder, I sighed.

"And you look dashing tonight, Chaton." He grinned and kissed my forehead, returning his attention to the movie. This was nice. Really nice. For the rest of the movie, we sat like that, with the occasional peck from Chat on my head.

By the end, when the credits were rolling, I was slightly dozing. I hadn't felt this comforted by another in quite a while. Safe, even. Chat, on the other hand, was clearly wide awake, shutting the laptop with a quiet snap. He turned to look at me, brushing his clawed hand against the side of my face.

We stayed like this for a while, reveling in each other's presence. I shuffled every once in a while to stay comfortable, not noticing my already short shorts were riding up on my thighs. Even though I hadn't noticed, Chat certainly did. His hand skimmed down my back, skipping my ass and onto my thighs. I peered up at him through one eye, and he glanced back. We held contact for a few moments, as he rubbed my thighs. I knew he wouldn't do anything without my permission, so I lay my head back down, and sighed contentedly. Not long after, at some point, I fell asleep with Chat at my side.


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