~Chapter 8~

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I was eating the diner that Shouta had made for me right before he had left. I missed him already, but this was what he did and I knew that since the moment I met him and of course I didn't want to be the reason for him to give up his life work. But it still freaked me out how much risk the job had, you could be the number one hero and still get a bad injury.

Just thinking about the possibility of seeing Shouta die like that, it was awful. There had already been times where he had came back injured and of course I took care of him I always did, that didn't mean it hurt any less. So every time he went on patrol or was called on a mission I was praying for him to stay alive and return to me.

I didn't know when they started, but there where tears in my eyes making my view blurry. They where falling only a moment later right of my face into the food that I was still holding in my hands. Putting it down for a second I grabbed a tissue to remove the tears that continued pouring down my face.

When I decided I had calmed down enough I grabbed the food of the counter, but I quickly realized that eating wasn't an option anymore. There was this pit in the bottom of my stomach that I wanted to fill, but every time I tried I felt like vomiting it all up again.

Deciding that I wasn't going to get anymore food in my system I just gave up. Walking to mine and Shouta's bedroom I wanted to try and relies all the stress this day has given me. It didn't take long before I was standing in our shower and hot water was pouring down my body relaxing some of my muscles.

Getting out of the shower was hard as I was the most relaxed I had been all day, but knowing that falling asleep while standing in the shower wasn't a good idea I just got out. It was cold and I was immediately regretting my decision.

Making myself ready for bed I of course looked in the mirror and I looked exhausted and just straight up awful, I didn't want to know when it happened all I was hoping for on this moment was that Shouta hadn't seen me like this.

And of course the tears needed to show themselves again, not being able to think where they came from at the moment I just let them fall. Through my breakdown I somehow got myself to our bedroom the only thing I now needed to do was walk over to our bed, get in and make sure I'm comfortable.

Even when I was able to accomplish that, the tears in my eyes just kept on falling like a waterfall only this wasn't a beautiful sight to watch. So I just laid there letting all my emotions out for I don't know how long.

I didn't notice how much time had gone by, but a pair of strong arms wrapped around me from behind out of nowhere making me tense up. "Ssh darling it is just me," I heard Shouta calming voice whispered in my ear. He turned me around in his arms and pulled me close against his chest.

Finally felling the warmth and comfort of his embrace I couldn't help it, I let more tears fall as they where unstoppable by now. And Shouta just held me and rubbed my back as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

When I was about to fall asleep I heard Shouta tell me. "Everything is going to be okay my love." And I really hoped that was true.


It wasn't. I mean it was for the first few days, but when Friday came so did Minoru Mineta and I wasn't ready for it. He did knock this time, that means there was something positive about our last conversation.

But when he walked in he was a little to happy for my liking, I mean who is actually happy when seeing their therapist for the second time. "Hello Mineta, please take a seat while I'll grab your file real quick," I told him to which he gave me a thumbs up.

Finding his file didn't take as long as it did the first time so that meant that my back wasn't turned towards him for that long and he probably wouldn't be as obvious with the staring, but of course I was wrong about that. No matter what I did there was always something about me he found was interesting enough to stare at and it was freaking me out again.

The only thing that got me through that hour was the knowledge that me, Kayama, Shouta and Hizashi where going out tonight. That meant I could get drunk and forget all about the Mineta thing. I wasn't worried about spilling anything because there where multiple occasions where the would ask me something about a client when I was drunk, but they have never gotten the information out of me.

Even though I knew thinking about going out with your friends didn't make the time go any faster I could at least try and trying is what I did, but it didn't help at all. The only think it actually helped me with was stopping me from feeling Mineta's emotions and I was just as grateful for that as that I would have been if the time was flying by.

So when it was finally time for him to leave I was so glad, I only needed to say goodbye and I wouldn't have to see him again for at least a whole weekend. "Oh and could you email me when you want your next appointment, that way I can plan around my other clients," I told him before he walked out of my office.

I couldn't help but let out a deep breath when the door closed, finally I could rest.

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