~Chapter 3~

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Waking up by the sound of our alarm I let out an immediate groan. I turn around to Shouta who's still sleeping, I try to shake him awake. "Why'd you have to do that?" he groans turning his back to me. "We have to get up, first day of school." I say sitting up and rubbing his scarred back.

Getting up to go to the bathroom I hear him whine. "If you want my touch so bad you need to earn it, right now staying in bed doesn't get you anything," hearing him shuffle to the bathroom and I cannot help but laugh.

When he is finally standing in the door opening only sweatpants I look at the damage that came with night. He has hickeys and bruises all over; neck, collarbone, abs, v-line and once he turns around I can really see how my nails vandalized his back. "You look bad, but in a good way." "And who's fault is that?" "Oh stop whining like a baby or it won't happen again till you grow up," I tell him.

Ignoring Shouta and starting with my morning routine he comes up behind me, kissing me on the head and massaging my sides he whispers how my love bites aren't any better. Looking in the mirror I see that he is right, my whole neck is purple and it goes all the way down Shouta's shirt I had stolen a long time ago.

"You know we are not going to leave a good impression when we show up like this on the first school day, what about Yamada and kayama?" "Doesn't matter we had an enjoyable night and it's not like they haven't seen worse, even Nezu doesn't care anymore," he laughed in my ear. "We did have a good night." "Yes indeed we did kitten," he whispers seductively in my ear.

"I have to get ready because I do want to be on time." "What is that supposed to mean?" Shouta questioned me offended. "We both now what that is supposed to mean sleepy head." Scoffing he walked out of the bedroom downstairs. "Drama Queen."


"We have to leave in 5 minutes what are you still doing waiting on your coffee?" I ask irritated. "You know I need coffee to survive those kids, especially on the first day." "Well hurry up I'll be waiting in the car," I say walking out our front door.

After 4 minutes waiting in the car Shouta walks out the house with coffee in hand. "Finally," I sighed once he sat down in the passengers seat. "Did I really take that long?" "Yes, you did," I responded as I started the car.

Parking at the back of the school when we arrive Shouta leads me inside to my office. "I'll come and get you at lunch." "Sounds good," I reply and give him a quick kiss before shoving him out the door.


Shouta's POV

Getting shoved out of my wife's office is never fun, but seeing Yamada at the other side of the hall waiting for you doesn't make it beter. "SHOUTA!!" I heard right before I felt an arm rap itself around my shoulder and Yamada gave me a side hug.

"And looking forward to your new class?" "No. I am probably going to expel half of them anyway," I grumbled. When I hear a chuckle coming from the man next to me I turn around giving him a death stare. "You know me and Sakura made a bet." "About what?" I ask offended. "About how many kids you are going to expel on your first day this year."

"Then how many did my 'lovely' wife bet on?" "You know I am not going to snitch on her," he said as he looked at me. "You know she will have my head right." "I wouldn't mind if she did," Yamada looked at me in betrayal but his face immediately changed into a smirk.

"You know you love me," he 'whispered' in my ear. "And you wouldn't let me die, you love our bromance to much." "Do I?" I ask turning around to face him completely. "Yes so much you that you apparently had an amazing time with your wife AGAIN," he said laughing to himself as he starts to inspect my neck.

"And what does that have to do with you?" "I have to look at you both all day and don't need a reminder of how our innocent Sakura isn't that innocent behind closed doors," he sighed amused. "Oh you have no idea," I said smirking while licking my lips.

"Okay I am done go annoy your new class or something I need to bleach my eyes first." "You haven't even seen everything yet," I shout after him. "I don't need to see it to know it's bad."


Nobody notices when I roll into the classroom till I say something. The faces of the three in the door opening go pale as the see me and before I know it they are freaking out.

To shut them up I step out of my cocoon. They look surprised and quickly realize I am a teacher and that that must make me a pro hero.

"I am your homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa. Nice to meet you," that is the only think I have to say to make all of them let out a surprised sound. Every time something like this happens it gets more and more annoying, but I have gotten used to it after all these years. Doesn't make it any less irritating.

"It is kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field," I tell them holding up uniforms and they all grab their uniform and walk out.

It didn't take long before we where all out on the field for the quirk assessment test. Again confusion was written over their faces when I told them why we where there.

I asked them confirmation on the fact that the have been doing this since junior high, they all look dumbfound when I show them that I have their scores from then.

"Bakugou, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right?" he looked up startled when I said his name. "In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?" His face turns into a scowl as he said. "Sixty-seven meters." "Then try doing it with your quirk, you can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle. Hurry up and give it all you got."

When I showed everyone his score when the ball hit the floor again the where shocked, but they got excited fast. I smirked. "'It looks fun', huh. You have three years to become a hero, will you have an attitude like that the whole time?" They look at me startled. "All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be expelled," now the all looked scared, this was getting more fun then I thought.

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