~Chapter 12~

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It had been a few days since that night and for some reason I feel better then before, even with the incident that had happened. But Shouta had lessoned the anxiety with just his loving embrace and it had helped me get through another appointment with Mineta, not that it wasn't as awful as all the other times.

Other then that there has not been any more stress in my life this week, unless you would count the media had been causing this past week because the news was spread of All Might's knew job as teacher at U.A.

I do have the media to thank for one thing though and that was the amazing stress relieving sex we had at the end of that day, but sadly that also was the last sort sexual touch we had for the rest of that week. Not that there weren't any intimate touches of wanting and I didn't enjoy those as much as the lingering looks we always had for each other.

We had other things on our mind. Shouta had the rescue training at U.S.J. coming up and I had to deal with all the students who got a backlash from the media, to whom I'll be saying thank you, again.

And with a lot of those teens I had to set another appointment as we usually ended up talking about other problems they had been struggling with for a while. For some reason it always seemed to surprise me still how problematic everyone was at this school and I'm not only talking about the students.

The fact that the school even still exist is beyond me. I mean have you seen the principle, the one that looks like a small and cute little mouse, but is actually a psychopath. Why did they let him run a school even if the end result is amazing hero's to protect the citizens of Japan even if all of them are problematic. That didn't change the fact that Nezu still scared the shit out of me sometimes. Just thinking about him gives me the shivers.

What was a plus though was that Nezu let students come to me under less hours even if the couldn't more then two hours a week you didn't hear them complain. As they usually chose the time in which they would have a class they didn't like. Most of the time it was math and I didn't know if I needed to feel sorry for Ectoplasm for that.

And today Shouta and his class were going to U.S.J with Thirteen and All Might, meaning that the most problematic children of this school right know weren't here so I wouldn't have to put a lot of energy in my job and I had more breaks in between the sessions.

In between one of my sessions I had decided to visit recovery girl to see how she was doing and maybe see if there were some students that I could see coming around my office at some point in the future.

I loved her company, even if she might come over a little crazy sometimes we've grown a strong relationship and I might call her the mother figure I never had. She was way better then mine had ever been so that was honestly pretty easy to achieve, sometimes she was even my personal psychiatrist and even if she wasn't educated to be one it was a cheap way to get everything of my chest.

But when I arrived at the infirmary she wasn't anywhere to be seen. Curious to where she might be as she didn't leave her space very often I went around to search for her. And when I had tried to find anybody else who might be able to tell me where she was I noticed that I wasn't able to find anybody, even Nezu's office was empty.

My anxiety started acting up as I there was a desperate need for answers growing inside me. My breathing was getting ragged. The more time I spend searching for someone familiar and not finding anyone the worse my state became.

The space around me had started spinning and I didn't hear my phone going off, if it wasn't for the vibration I wouldn't have known I had been called in the first place.

I took my phone from my pocket with shaky hands and when Hizashi's name appeared on the screen it felt like I already knew what had happened, what he was going to tell me...

My suspicions were immediately confirmed when I heard the heart breaking sentence coming from the other side of the phone.

"I'm so sorry..."

I bursted out into tears.

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