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Sakura Kutsuki always just wanted love and understanding in her life, people she could trust. But those people never came or where there for her, so she learned to live without the love and trust of others, but that of her own.


Her parents never gave her much attention or approbation and didn't care what she did as long as it didn't affect them. She didn't get much from het parents but one teddy bear she would always cherish like a real friend and would love with her whole heart. They did send her to school. Their excuse was that they didn't want someone stupid in their household and they wouldn't have to take care of her the whole day or have to look at her.

What didn't help was that her parents would make her feel like nobody would ever love or even like her. That she would always be lonely and without friends, so every time she was at school and would want to try to talk to somebody to make a friend she got to scared and just ran away to lock herself up in the bathroom not knowing what was so wrong with her.

It got even worse when she got her quirk and couldn't control it yet. She would feel other kids emotions or those of her parents and not know how to keep them all out. What pissed her parents of the most was when she would accidently make them feel her emotions. They would start to scream at her when it happened or when they would get a call that she had let a kid in her school feel her emotions on accident and they came crying to the teachers. They would scream at her for being so useless, a burden, how she was just an accident they wish they could turn back.

Even though she could feel the emotions of others she most of the time didn't know what she was feeling, anger, sadness... It was all a mystery to her what it meant she was feeling, there was only one emotion she did knew what it felt like immediately and it was love. How cheesy it may sound that was the only emotion she ever wanted to feel herself or even from another person she would feel the emotions from. It sort of give her hope that people had still love in them. What surprised her was when she felt her parents feel love for the first time while using her quirk on them accidently. Even though she soon found out that love wasn't for her but for each other it didn't really hurt her, she was just happy her parents loved each other even if they wouldn't love her.

Once she grew up a little everything just got worse. Her quirk got more powerful and less easy to control. That made her parents angry and they would make her train her quirk everyday after school and if she did not do like they said she would be screamed at and pushed till she almost fainted from exhaustion. Because of that she would immediately go to bed after and forget to eat dinner. And when she would go to school exhausted the next day she could not control her mind easily and would sometimes make someone feel her emotions. Sometimes the kid who was the victim of her exhaustion would even faint because of it. Everybody immediately knew she was the cause of it and her parents would be called and told what she did. They would then get her from school and punish her by making her train harder and longer. It relieved her that they knew they couldn't go further with the punishment because of her 8 year old body.

When she got to middle school she hoped for a new start one where she would not be called a freak or be bullied. She and her parents got told she had social anxiety when she was ten years old. That did not help when one of the kids found out what her quirk was and she became the centre of attention when it got brought up, she got so overwhelmed that she send her emotions through every single kid in her class that was there at the time. When the whole class got sent home because of the accident she had to stay behind to go to the principal and wait there for her parents. They where angry she could feel it, it had became a habit to always have her quirk on around her parents so she knew when they got angry and she should get away from them. After the talk with the principal she was happy she didn't have to change schools, but she was scared of the anger coming of her parents.

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