Chapter 26

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Rich's pov
"Rich is this really necessary?"Michael asked me,I was carrying him home."Yeah,it is."i said,"stop."he said.i put him down,"something is up,I know it.and you have to tell me,or so help me I will dye your hair pink!"he said.i looked down,"I just..."I trailed off."what happened in your nightmare Rich?"he asked,he held my hand."You were lying on the concrete,there was blood everywhere,you-you weren't breathing,you were cold,I begged you to wake up..."I was shaking,I began to cry."I was so scared,I don't want to lose you Michael!"I said,he hugged me."Shhh,I got here Rich,"he said,he placed my head on his chest."Do you hear that?"he asked,I nodded.

"That's my heartbeat,which means that I'm alive."he said,he lifted my head up."I love you,so,so,so,much Rich.and I'm glad to be Michael Goranski."he said smiling,I began to cry."I love you too Michael!"I said,I hugged him.he chuckled and hugged me back,"come on ya big doof,let's go home."he said.i smiled,"ok Micha."I said.

Michael's pov
I did it!i found out what was up with Rich!i smiled as we got home,"wanna watch a movie?"he asked.i shook my head no,"I'm tired,will you carry me to our bed?"I asked.he smiled,"sure."he said.he kissed my cheek and lifted me up,I smiled.he placed me on our bed,he took off my glasses and put them on our nightstand.he took off my jacket and hung it in the closet,he covered my body with our blanket and got in bed with me.i snuggled up next to him,he rested his chin on my head.

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