Chapter 8: I Burn for You

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*Zuko POV*

I pushed Katara under my bed. She fit with ease. Thank the gods. However, I could still hear her breathing loudly. I peeked back down at her.

"Cover your mouth, he'll hear you," I warned. She followed my orders with no questions asked.

"Come in". I shouted from my bed. I tried to act as casual as possible, but I was failing. My nervousness started to build up. Sweat was forming on my brow. My palms became clammy and moist.

My father walked in with his step echoing on my stone floor. My breath hitched with each step. I have never been his nervous before.

"Hello, son." He smirked. I nodded hello. My father sat down on my bed. I took a glance down at my feet. The Firelord grabbed my chin.

"Look at me while I speak to you, boy." He said. I clenched my jaw, wanting to punch him where he touched me.

" I wanted to talk to you about this morning." He said. I looked at him, confused.

"This morning? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You and Katara looked like you've become quite close." He said with a raise of an eyebrow. I stayed quiet.

"You know why she is here, don't you?" He asked.

"Yes, Father." I nodded.

"Please assure that you feel nothing for her. She is a pawn in this game. I can't have my star player getting compromised." He said. My eyes grew wide. Katara was hearing all of this. She is going to find out what my father wants to do with her land. I gulped and pointed my head down.

"Yes, Father," I said, meekly.

"Then, I'm glad we understand each other." My father said with a slap of the knee. He got up and walked towards the door.

"Oh and Zuko, make sure you show Katara a good time still, she is a lovely girl." He said with an evil smirk. I clenched my fists into a ball when he shut the door. That man does not know when to shut his mouth.

Suddenly, Katara came shooting up from under the bed.

"You feel nothing for me?"She asked. Her face showed immense pain. My heart started to beat out of my chest. My mouth became dry as if I haven't had water for days. I could feel the anger coming from Katara as I stayed silent.

"I am a pawn?" She asked. I remained quiet.

"Zuko, what is going on?" Katara continued to ask. I sighed.

"My father wants to take over the Water Tribes. He wants to use the water benders as soldiers to take down Ba Sing Se." I explained. Her face of worry then turned to disgust.

"I don't like it just as much as you do," I said.

"Liar," Katara said with anger.

"Yes I did go along with it, but that was until I got to know you and what you've told me about your people made me see the errors of my fathers' ways," I explained. I could tell she was having none of it. Then, she turned to walk out of the room. I grabbed her wrist to stop her. I wasn't going to let her leave without telling her how I feel.

"I burn for you," I said with my head down. My hair covered my face. All I could hear was Katara's breath. It was rapid and anxious. She was still angry.

Suddenly, I felt her hands on my cheeks. She pulled my face to meet hers. Her eyes were welling with tears.

"I burn for you." She said. A tear fell to her cheek. I wiped it away with one swipe. I pressed a kiss to her forehead as she buried her head in my chest.

"Just don't let me die in this war," Katara said in between cries. I brought her face to meet mine. I looked deep inter her eyes. Her eyes looked like the ocean, blue and beautiful.

"I will protect you and whatever you love with every fiber of my being, Katara. You are safe whenever you are with me." I reassured.

"I won't let anything bad happen to your people, "I said. Katara nodded. I pulled her chin in. She started to stand on her toes to reach my lips. Our lips met and a fire was ignited inside my soul. Katara completes me, she has made me feel whole. She sees the good in me and wants to have me do better things. Katara is my fire and I am her water.

Opposites do attract after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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